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Showing All of 117 results for "Religion & Philosophy"

Bible Schools

Bible colleges, institutes and seminaries are mainly sponsored by the EVANGELICAL Protestant churches in Canada, although there are several Roman Catholic institutions in Canada. One of the first lay colleges in North America was established by T.


A Protestant Christian theological system constructed by religious reformer John Calvin (Jean Cauvin, 1509-64) and made more stringent and narrower in focus by his successors. It is considered to have been widely influential in Canadian life.


Huguenots, a popular term used since 1560 to designate French Protestants, some of whom became involved in the Newfoundland fishery and Canadian fur trade, and in abortive colonization attempts in Canada (1541-42), Brazil (1555) and the Carolinas (1562-64).

Société des missions étrangères de la province de Québec

The bishops of Québec decided during a conference held in Québec City in 1921 to respond to the appeal for the propagation of the faith launched by Pope Benedict XV (apostolic letter Maximum illud of 30.XI.


Anglicanism is that tradition in CHRISTIANITY whose members are in full communion with the see of Canterbury, England. Originally confined to the British Isles, the Church of England has spread to almost every corner of the world, with 2,035,000 adherents in Canada (2001c; latest figures available).

Sisterhood of St John the Divine

Sisterhood of St John the Divine, see CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES.

Neil Munro

Neil Munro, actor, director, playwright (b at Musselburgh, Scotland 1 Jan 1947, d at London, Ont 13 July 2009). Neil Munro emigrated to Canada with his parents when he was 9 years old and enrolled in the NATIONAL THEATRE SCHOOL in Montréal in 1964.




The first Mennonites in Canada arrived in the late 18th century, settling initially in Southern Ontario. Today, almost 200,000 Mennonites call Canada home. More than half live in cities, mainly in Winnipeg.


Jesus' Divinity Debated

In the translucent glow of a stained-glass window, Jesus hovers, larger-than-life, behind the pulpit where Rev. Bill Phipps prepares to address his congregation on the first Sunday of Advent. The dark-stained oak pews are full.


Solar Temple Cult Member Die in Fire

Even before the deadly fire, the Order of the Solar Temple still lingered in the public consciousness. Books on the cult surfaced last fall, sparked by its notorious history, and a documentary film aired on a French-language television network on March 22.



Changing economic and religious conditions after the Gothic period brought a decline in majestic building projects, and by the 17th century, lodges could stay alive only by supplementing the membership of working ("operative") masons with nonmasons ("accepted masons").


Buddhism is a transformative teaching usually classified as a major world religion encompassing various systems of philosophy (prajna), meditation (samadhi), and ethics (sila).

Evangelical and Fundamentalist Movements

Throughout Christian history, however, it has been used by certain groups to differentiate themselves from those considered less true to the Christian gospel.

Evangelism and Evangelicals

Evangelism is an English word derived from the combination of the 2 Greek words euangelion and euangelizomai, meaning "good news," or "gospel"] and "to announce, proclaim, or bring good news.

Congregational Churches

Congregational churches comprised Protestant groups arising from Puritanism, and organized on the principle that each congregation should be autonomous. Congregations were established among New England settlers in NS from 1751, and later in NB.

Clerics of Saint-Viateur

A religious congregation founded in 1831 in Vourles (near Lyons), France, by Father Louis-Marie Querbes to educate boys and to help in the general parish ministry.


Christadelphians, Protestant movement founded in 1844 by John Thomas in Richmond, Va. It grew out of the Campbellite movement (originally associated with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH), but its adherents are nontrinitarian, deny the immortal soul doctrine and do not believe in a personal devil.

Christian Science

Christian Science, a religion founded upon the applied principles of "primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing," and practised by members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist.


The term is not biblical: St Ignatius of Antioch (d about 110 AD) was the first person known to have referred to the "Catholic church." St Vincent of Lerins (5th century) later defined the Catholic faith as "that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.


​Religion (from the Latin, religio, "respect for what is sacred") may be defined as the relationship between human beings and their transcendent source of value.


​Christianity is a major world religion, and the religion of some 80 per cent of Canadians. Believers hold that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in the first century AD, as presented in the Bible and in the Christian tradition, are central to their understanding of who they are and how they should live.