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Showing All of 34 results for "Strikes & Protests"

Oka Crisis

The Oka Crisis was a 78-day standoff (11 July–26 September 1990) between Mohawk protesters, police, and army. At the heart of the crisis was the proposed expansion of a golf course and development of condominiums on disputed land that included a Mohawk burial ground.

Winnipeg General Strike

The Winnipeg General Strike, 15 May-25 June 1919, is Canada's best-known general strike. Massive unemployment and inflation, the success of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and rising Revolutionary Industrial Unionism all contributed to the postwar labour unrest that fuelled the landmark strike.

On to Ottawa Trek

In early April 1935, 1500 residents of federal UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CAMPS in BC went on strike and moved by train and truck to Vancouver.

Asbestos Strike

The strike which began on February 14, 1949 in Asbestos, Quebec, is one of those events that resonate beyond the immediate and define history. It was, as Pierre Trudeau later wrote, "a violent announcement that a new era had begun.

Asbestos Strike

The Asbestos strike began 14 February 1949 and for the next 4 months paralyzed major asbestos mines in Québec, the most important of which were American-owned.

2012 Québec Student Strike

​In 2012, Québec and Canada experienced the longest student strike in their histories. The strike lasted several months (from 13 February to 7 September 2012) and pitted students in Québec against the provincial government on the issue of tuition fee increases.


Arvida Strike

The Arvida strike began 24 July 1941, when some 700 workers in the Aluminium Co of Canada (Alcan) in Arvida, Québec, spontaneously walked off the job. The next day the strike spread to 4500 workers, who decided to occupy the plant.

Bloody Sunday

In early 1938, the federal and provincial governments cut financial support for the RELIEF camps that had been established nationwide in 1932 to house and provide work for single, unemployed, homeless men. In the depths of the GREAT DEPRESSION these camps were the only refuge for these men.

British Columbia Woodworkers' Strike

British Columbia Woodworkers' Strike, 15 May - 20 June 1946, the first strike of BC District 1 of the INTERNATIONAL WOODWORKERS OF AMERICA (IWA) after coast-wide bargaining rights were won in 1943.

Cape Breton Strikes 1920s

The CAPE BRETON labour wars of the early 1920s represented an intense local episode of class conflict similar to the WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE (1919).

Common Front Strikes

The Common Front Strikes were a cartel of Québec public- and para-public-sector trade unions formed in 1972 to negotiate with the provincial government.

Crowsnest Pass Strike 1932

This 7-month strike, involving all but one mine in Alberta's CROWSNEST PASS, was the most bitter strike in the region's turbulent history.

CUPW Postal Strikes

Since 1965 the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (previously Canadian Postal Employees Association) has been involved in approximately 19 major disputes over several complex issues.

Drumheller Strike

The Drumheller Strike of 1925 1925, ushered in a period of rival or "dual" unionism in Alberta's coalfields. The Drumheller miners, rejecting wage cuts negotiated by the United Mine Workers, struck in June 1925.

Estevan Coal Miners' Strike 1931

Coal miners at Bienfait, Saskatchewan, had joined the militant Mine Workers' Union of Canada in 1931. In September of that year they went on strike to win recognition of their union as a prelude to pressing demands for a restoration of wages cut by the local coal operators.

Fort William Freight Handlers Strike

The Fort William freight handlers strike, by 700 nonunionized immigrants, occurred 9-16 August 1909. Greek and Italian strikers engaged Canadian Pacific Railway police in a protracted gun battle on August 12, whereupon Colonel S.B.

Fraser River Fishermen's Strikes

On 8 July 1900, fishermen for 47 salmon canneries that lined the lower Fraser River from New Westminster to the river mouth struck for a season-long, 25-cent, minimum price instead of prices which dropped as catches increased.

Fraser River Railway Strikes

The Wobbly poet and martyr Joe Hill visited the camp at Yale and wrote several songs, including "Where the Fraser River Flows," still a labour standard.

La Presse Strike

Two days later, the 3 main UNION CENTRALS defied a municipal ban to organize a huge march in solidarity with the newspaper workers. More than 12 000 people clashed with 100 Montréal policemen. The outcome was some 50 arrests, several dozen injuries and one death from natural causes.

Miramichi Lumber Strike

The Miramichi Lumber Strike began 20 August 1937 when 1500 millworkers and longshoremen along the Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick struck 14 lumber firms for increased wages, shorter working hours and union recognition.

Murdochville Strike

On 10 March 1957 the 1000 workers of Gaspé Copper Mines, Murdochville, Qué, struck for the right to unionize. The conflict lasted 7 months and ended in defeat for the miners. Moreover, a 15-year judicial battle finally awarded the company $1.

Newfoundland Loggers' Strike

The Newfoundland Loggers' Strike began 31 December 1958 when hundreds of loggers employed by Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co at Grand Falls struck for wage increases and for improvements in living conditions at wood camps.

Oshawa Strike

Two of Hepburn's Cabinet colleagues who opposed his actions, Minister of Labour David Croll and Attorney General Arthur Roebuck, were persuaded to resign.

Producers' strike at CBC/Société Radio-Canada

On 29 December 1958, the 74 producers at Société Radio-Canada in Montréal embarked on a union recognition conflict that very quickly took on political dimensions by highlighting the problem of the "two solitudes" that co-exist in Canada.

Québec Shoe Workers' Strike

The Québec Shoe Workers' Strike, properly a lockout, 27 October-10 December 1900, was the first direct intervention in a labour conflict by Québec Catholic clergy and the first step toward the creation of Catholic unions (see CONFEDERATION OF NATIONAL TRADE UNIONS).