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n. short for "own recognizance," meaning the judge allowed a pers...
n. short for order to show cause.
n. 1) a swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing b...
obiter dicta
: (oh-bitter dick-tah) n. remarks of a judge which are not necess...
1) v. to ask the court not to allow a particular question asked o...
n. a lawyer's protest about the legal propriety of a question whi...
n. a legal duty to pay or do something.
(ah-bluh-jee) n. the person or entity to whom an obligation is ow...
(ah-bluh-gore) n. the person or entity who owes an obligation to ...
adj., adv. a highly subjective reference to material or acts whic...
obstruction of justice
n. an attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts,...
n. 1) living in or using premises, as a tenant or owner. 2) takin...
n. 1) someone living in a residence or using premises, as a tenan...
n. 1) fairly permanent trade, profession, employment, business or...
occupational disease
n. an illness resulting from long-term employment in a particular...
occupational hazard
n. a danger or risk inherent in certain employments or workplaces...
occupy the field
v. to preempt (monopolize) an area of statutory law by a higher a...
of counsel
adj. reference to an attorney who is not actively involved in the...
off calendar
adj. refers to an order of the court to take a lawsuit, petition ...
n. an accused defendant in a criminal case or one convicted of a ...
n. a crime or punishable violation of law of any type or magnitud...
n. a specific proposal to enter into an agreement with another. A...
offer of proof
n. an explanation made by an attorney to a judge during trial to ...
n. a person or entity to whom an offer to enter into a contract i...
n. a person or entity who makes a specific proposal to another (t...
n. 1) a high-level management official of a corporation or an uni...
officer of the court
n. any person who has an obligation to promote justice and effect...
1) adj. referring to an act, document or anything sanctioned or a...
official misconduct
n. improper and/or illegal acts by a public official which violat...
officious intermeddler
n. a volunteer who assists and/or benefits another without contra...
1) n. also called a "setoff," the deduction by a debtor from a cl...
offshore corporation
n. a corporation chartered under the laws of a country other than...
n. 1) failure to perform an act agreed to, where there is a duty ...
omnibus clause
n. 1) an automobile insurance policy clause which provides covera...
on all fours
adj. a reference to a lawsuit in which all the legal issues are i...
on demand
adj. in a promissory note, a requirement that the amount due must...
on file
prep. having been formally filed with the clerk of the court or t...
on or about
prep. a phrase referring to a date or place used in a complaint i...
on or before
prep. a phrase usually found in a contract or promissory note, de...
on the merits
adj. referring to a judgment, decision or ruling of a court based...
on the stand
prep. testifying during a trial, in which the witness almost alwa...
open court
n. the conduct of judicial proceedings (trials, hearings and rout...
opening statement
n. the explanation by the attorneys for both sides at the beginni...
operation of law
n. a change or transfer which occurs automatically due to existin...
n. the explanation of a court's judgment. When a trial court judg...
n. a right to purchase property or require another to perform upo...
conj. either; in the alternative. It is often vital to distinguis...
oral contract
n. an agreement made with spoken words and either no writing or o...
1) n. every direction or mandate of a judge or a court which is n...
order to show cause
n. a judge's written mandate that a party appear in court on a ce...
n. a statute enacted by a city or town.
adj. regular, customary and continuing, and not unusual or extrao...
ordinary course of business
n. conduct of business within normal commercial customs and usage...
original jurisdiction
n. the authority of a court to hold a trial, as distinguished fro...
n. a child, particularly a minor, whose two natural parents are d...
ostensible agent
n. a person who has been given the appearance of being an employe...
ostensible authority
n. apparent authority to do something or represent another person...
n. 1) the wrongful dispossession (putting out) of a rightful owne...
out of court
adj. referring to actions, including negotiations between parties...
out-of-pocket expenses
n. moneys paid directly for necessary items by a contractor, trus...
n. a structure not connected with the primary residence on a parc...
n. popularly, anyone who commits serious crimes and acts outside ...
output contract
n. an agreement in which a producer agrees to sell its entire pro...
v. 1) to charge more than a posted or advertised price. 2) to fil...
v. 1) to reject an attorney's objection to a question to a witnes...
overt act
n. in criminal law, an action which might be innocent itself but ...
v. to have a legal duty to pay funds to another. However, to owe ...
v. to have legal title or right to something. Mere possession is ...
own recognizance
(O.R.) n. the basis for a judge allowing a person accused of a cr...
n. one who has legal title or right to something. Contrary to the...
n. legal title coupled with exclusive legal right to possession. ...

From the Law.com Newswire

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications