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prep. abbreviation for id est, which is Latin for "that is" or "t...
1) adj. in violation of statute, regulation or ordinance, which m...
illegal immigrant
n. an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the United States witho...
illusory promise
n. an agreement to do something that is so indefinite one cannot ...
adj. a commonly heard objection to introducing evidence in a tria...
adv. 1) at once. 2) in orders of the court or in contracts it mea...
n. exemption from penalties, payments or legal requirements, gran...
v. to select and install a jury.
n. the act of selecting a jury from the list of potential jurors,...
v. 1) to discredit the testimony of a witness by proving that he/...
n. 1) discrediting a witness by showing that he/she is not tellin...
n. a procedural device before trial in which a party brings a thi...
adj., adv. referring to circumstances, conduct or statements of o...
implied consent
n. consent when surrounding circumstances exist which would lead ...
implied contract
n. an agreement which is found to exist based on the circumstance...
implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing
n. a general assumption of the law of contracts, that people will...
implied warranty
n. an assumption at law that products are "merchantable," meaning...
n. when an act cannot be performed due to nature, physical impedi...
n. the male's inability to copulate. Impotence can be grounds for...
v. 1) to collect funds, in addition to installment payments, from...
n. any permanent structure on real property, or any work on the p...
v. 1) to attach to a person responsibility (and therefore financi...
in absentia
(in ab-sensh-ee-ah) adj. or adv. phrase. Latin for "in absence," ...
in camera
adj. or adv. phrase. Latin for "in chambers." This refers to a he...
in chambers
adj. referring to discussions or hearings held in the judge's off...
in extremis
(in ex-tree-miss) adj. from Latin, facing imminent death.
in fee simple
adj. referring to holding clear title to real property.
in forma pauperis
(in form-ah paw-purr-iss) adj. or adv. Latin for "in the form of ...
in haec verba
(in hike verb-ah)prep. Latin for "in these words," which refers t...
in kind
adj. referring to payment, distribution or substitution of things...
in lieu
prep. instead. "In lieu taxes" are use taxes paid instead of sale...
in limine
(in lim-in-ay) from Latin for "at the threshold," referring to a ...
in loco parentis
prep. (in loh-coh pah-rent-iss) Latin for "instead of a parent" o...
in pari delicto
adv. (in pah-ree dee-lick-toe) Latin for "in equal fault," which ...
in perpetuity
adj. forever, as in one's right to keep the profits from the land...
in personam
adj. (in purr-soh-nam) from Latin for "directed toward a particul...
in pro per
adj. short for in propria persona.
in propria persona
adj. from Latin "for one's self," acting on one's own behalf, gen...
in re
prep. short for "in regard to" or concerning. Often "in re" is fo...
in rem
adj. from Latin "against or about a thing," referring to a lawsui...
in terrorem clause
(in tehr-roar-em)n. from Latin for "in fear," a provision in a wi...
in toto
(in toe-toe)adj. Latin for "completely" or "in total," referring ...
adj. 1) not being able to perform any gainful employment due to c...
n. sexual intercourse between close blood relatives, including br...
adj. or adv. referring to something which has begun but has not b...
incidental beneficiary
n. someone who obtains a benefit as the result of the main purpos...
n. money, goods or other economic benefit received. Under income ...
income tax
n. a tax on an individual's net income, after deductions for vari...
n. the state of a marriage in which the spouses no longer have th...
adj. 1) inconsistent. 2) unmatching. 3) unable to live together a...
n. the condition of lacking the ability to handle one's affairs d...
adj. 1) referring to a person who is not able to manage his/her a...
incompetent evidence
n. testimony, documents or things which one side attempts to pres...
incontrovertible evidence
n. evidence introduced to prove a fact in a trial which is so con...
v. 1) to obtain an official charter or articles of incorporation ...
incorporate by reference
v. to include language from another document or elsewhere in a do...
n. the act of incorporating an organization.
adj. referring to a thing which is not physical, such as a right....
v. to make a statement in which one admits that he/she has commit...
indecent exposure
n. the crime of displaying one's genitalia to one or more other p...
adj. cannot be altered or voided, usually in reference to an inte...
v. to guarantee against any loss which another might suffer. Exam...
n. the act of making someone "whole" (give equal to what they hav...
n. a type of real property deed in which two parties agree to con...
independent contractor
n. a person or business which performs services for another perso...
indeterminate sentence
n. the prison term imposed after conviction for a crime which doe...
n. (in-dish-yah) from Latin for "signs," circumstances which tend...
indictable offense
n. a crime (offense) for which a Grand Jury rules that there is e...
n. a charge of a felony (serious crime) voted by a Grand Jury bas...
1) n. a person so poor and needy that he/she cannot provide the n...
indispensable party
n. a person or entity which must be included in a lawsuit so that...
n. although the popular use of the word means the early years of ...
n. a rule of logic applied to evidence in a trial, in which a fac...
n. an accusation or criminal charge brought by the public prosecu...
information and belief
n. a phrase often used in legal pleadings (complaints and answers...
informed consent
n. agreement to do something or to allow something to happen only...
prep. Latin for "below," this is legal shorthand to indicate that...
n. 1) a trespassing or illegal entering. 2) in the law of patents...
1) n. entrance. 2) n. the right to enter. 3) v. the act of enteri...
v. to receive all or a portion of the estate of an ancestor upon ...
n. whatever one receives upon the death of a relative due to the ...
n. a writ (order) issued by a court ordering someone to do someth...
injunctive relief
n. a court-ordered act or prohibition against an act or condition...
n. any harm done to a person by the acts or omissions of another....
adj. without guilt (not guilty). Usually the plea which an accuse...
n. from Latin innuere, "to nod toward." In law it means "an indir...
n. 1) an investigation and/or a hearing held by the coroner (a co...
n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot di...
insanity defense
n. the claim of a defendant in a criminal prosecution that he/she...
n. the addition of language at a place within an existing typed o...
n. someone who has a position in a business or stock brokerage, w...
insider trading
n. the use of confidential information about a business gained th...
n. 1) the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total...
inspection of documents
n. the right to examine and copy the opposing party's papers in a...
installment contract
n. an agreement in which payments of money, delivery of goods or ...
n. an explanation of the law governing a case which the judge giv...
n. 1) a written legal document such as a contract, lease, deed, w...
insufficient evidence
n. a finding (decision) by a trial judge or an appeals court that...
n. a contract (insurance policy) in which the insurer (insurance ...
n. 1) the person or entity who will be compensated for loss by an...
n. an insurance company which agrees to pay someone who pays them...
intangible property
n. items such as stock in a company which represent value but are...
n. 1) adopting a writing as part of an agreement, e.g. "the parti...
n. mental desire and will to act in a particular way, including w...
inter alia
(in-tur eh-lee-ah) prep. Latin for "among other things." This phr...
inter se
(in-tur say)prep. Latin for "among themselves," meaning that, for...
inter vivos
(in-tur veye-vohs) adj. Latin for "among the living," usually ref...
inter vivos trust
n. a trust created by a writing (declaration of trust) which comm...
n. 1) any and all, partial or total right to property or for the ...
interim order
n. a temporary order of the court pending a hearing, trial, a fin...
n. the act of writing between the lines of a document, usually to...
adj. provisional and not intended to be final. This usually refer...
interlocutory decree
n. a court judgment which is temporary and not intended to be fin...
international law
n. treaties between countries; multi-lateral agreements; some com...
n. the procedure when two parties are involved in a lawsuit over ...
n. questioning of a suspect or witness by law enforcement authori...
n. a set of written questions to a party to a lawsuit asked by th...
interstate commerce
n. commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or tra...
v. to obtain the court's permission to enter into a lawsuit which...
intervening cause
n. an event which occurs between the original improper or dangero...
n. the procedure under which a third party may join an on-going l...
n. the condition of having died without a valid will. In such a c...
adj. referring to a situation where a person dies without leaving...
intestate succession
n. the distribution when a person dies without leaving a valid wi...
n. 1) the condition of being drunk as the result of drinking alco...
intrinsic fraud
n. an intentionally false representation (lie) which is part of t...
v. result in. Commonly used in legal terminology in the phrase: "...
invasion of privacy
n. the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just ...
inverse condemnation
n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly...
v. to put money into a business or buy property or securities for...
n. the money put into use for profit, or the property or business...
n. a person who comes onto another's property, premises or busine...
adj. or adv. without intent, will or choice. Participation in a c...
ipse dixit
(ip-sah dicks-it) v. Latin for "he himself said it," meaning the ...
ipso facto
(ip-soh fact-toe)prep. Latin for "by the fact itself." An express...
irreconcilable differences
n. the usual basis for granting a divorce (dissolution) in no-fau...
adj. not important, pertinent, or germane to the matter at hand o...
irreparable damage or injury
n. the type of harm which no monetary compensation can cure or pu...
1) n. a person's children or other lineal descendants such as gra...

From the Law.com Newswire

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications