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PIX 2015
Sad Joe

Sad Joe

Joined on Oct 8, 2011

Sad Joe's recent activity

  • Commented on Canon EOS M3 real-world samples article

    Well, I love my TWO EOS-M's and have played with an M3 but even as a Canon fan I cannot see the M3 being a breakthrough camera with the likes of Olympus, Sony and Panasonic in the way. Ah well, I...

  • Are these the same glass as the Sony / Zeiss BATIS range ? If so strange that on the Sony they are AF but not on Canon or Nikon. Its not like Zeiss could not afford the licence, also it appears to...

  • I'm sure the pic quailty will be terrible - I use an older Fuji Instant (when I can afford the uber expensive film) but good luck to em - the camera looks cute and should sell by the bucket load.

  • Its called 'doing a Sigma (ART)' - smart move - I wish Tarmon well, have used several of their lenes and still have thye odd (old) Tarmon kicking about. Sure if these sell well they will bring out...

  • Well done again to Fuji for supporting ALL of their users - however I would NEVER use a new OS until its at least 6 months old and all of the massive bugs have been sorted….you have been warned !

  • Commented on Week in Review: Two by two article

    Well, I love my TWO EOS-M's and look forward to buying an EOS-M3 when I can afford one ! 35 f1.4 BR - responding to the Sigma and Zeiss otus ? Now that will be an interesting review which I look...

  • Fair points well made, I used Nikon from 1977 until about 2005 the primary reason being better AF and L glass, I continued to shoot Nikon at weddings until about 2012 ( I am not a Nikon hater or...

  • I really li8ke what Sony are doing and would love access to new Zeiss glass with AF, my only concern is that Sony never seem to settle and a vital element in buiding up a pro system is TIME. It...

  • I really like what Sony are doing and would love access to new Zeiss glass with AF, my only concern is that Sony never seem to settle and a vital element in buiding up a pro system is TIME. It took...

  • I worked within the trade closely to Sony and your right - they have several teams that fight it out until one wins - example: They had MINIDISC & DAT and whilst they were of course different...

  • A smart move by Sony who can see that Canon only has the 6D with limited appeal and Nikon have several cheaper FF 's but ALL have problems. Of course once Sony make a firm move so will Canon - and...

  • A smart move by Sony who can see that Canon only has the 6D with limited appeal at entry level and Nikon have several cheaper FF 's but ALL have problems. Of course once Sony make a firm move so...

  • OK - cards on table - my main cameras are Canon - but I also use a wide range of other cameras including my lovely Nikkormat FT2 - so I am NOT just a Canon fan boy. Its shameful how todays Nikon...

  • Late to the party - sorry - this is the second (known/ admitted to) fault / issue with the D750 - I know this is old news but Nikon has a rep now for duff cameras which given their history is...

  • Not the first camera with this problem - the Canon 20D was well known for its S/N becoming lost - it never caused me any real problems apart from Calumet (who were cleaning the sensor for me) were...

  • My Canon 430EX flash has always done a good job and the idea of RADIO is great - but at what cost? Days when manufactures could charge more or less what they wanted appear to be over with so many...

  • Lecia Lust - got me bad ! Come on Fuji bring out a X100 BLACK and blow this away….

  • Commented on Nikon D7200 Review preview

    Nikon D7200 = PRO: most DX Nikons are dust, muck and generally fault free (unlike their FF cameras) NEG: Little more than a dust over on an already good camera. VERDICT: Nothing new to see - move...

  • What it copes with COLOUR as well ? Whatever next ?

  • Ok ! Fair enough - I would expect a Zeiss or Lecia lens to be better. Just missed out on a Zeiss 50 1.7 Planar Contax/ Yashica lens today - great condition - went for £30 (around $48 in your in...

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Total messages 11
Threads started 5
Last post 7 months ago
Total comments 501
Total likes 573
Last post 15 hours ago
Total reviews 4
Last review Jun 4, 2013
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Votes cast 1
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