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race to the courthouse
n. slang for the rule that the first deed, deed of trust, mortgag...
Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) statue
n. a federal law which makes it a crime for organized criminal co...
n. the federal crime of conspiring to organize to commit crimes, ...
1) n. money paid to a kidnapper in demand for the release of the ...
1) n. the crime of sexual intercourse (with actual penetration of...
adj. taxable according to value, such as an estate or property.
n. confirmation of an action which was not pre-approved and may n...
v. to confirm and adopt the act of another even though it was not...
rational basis
n. a test of constitutionality of a statute, asking whether the l...
ready, willing and able
adj. fully prepared to act, as in performing a contract.
real estate
n. land, improvements and buildings thereon, including attached i...
real estate investment trust
n. nicknamed REIT, a real estate investment organization which fi...
real party in interest
n. the person or entity who will benefit from a lawsuit or petiti...
real property
n. 1) all land, structures, firmly attached and integrated equipm...
n. a short form of "real estate."
adj., adv. in law, just, rational, appropriate, ordinary or usual...
reasonable care
n. the degree of caution and concern for the safety of himself/he...
reasonable doubt
n. not being sure of a criminal defendant's guilt to a moral cert...
reasonable reliance
n. particularly in contracts, what a prudent person would believe...
reasonable speed
n. the speed of an automobile determined to be lower than the pos...
reasonable time
n. in contracts, common custom in the business or under the circu...
reasonable wear and tear
n. commonly used in leases to limit the tenant's responsibility (...
1) n. a discount or deduction on sales price. A secret rebate giv...
rebuttable presumption
n. since a presumption is an assumption of fact accepted by the c...
n. evidence introduced to counter, disprove or contradict the opp...
n. in income tax, the requirement that upon sale of property the ...
n. a written and signed acknowledgment by the recipient of paymen...
n. 1) a neutral person (often a professional trustee) appointed b...
n. the process of appointment by a court of a receiver to take cu...
n. a break in a trial or other court proceedings or a legislative...
n. a repeat criminal offender, convicted of a crime after having ...
reciprocal discovery
n. the exchange of documents, lists of witnesses, and other infor...
n. mutual exchange of privileges between states, nations, busines...
adj. in both negligence and criminal cases, careless to the point...
reckless disregard
n. gross negligence without concern for danger to others. Actuall...
reckless driving
n. operation of an automobile in a dangerous manner under the cir...
n. in those states which use deeds of trust as a mortgage on real...
1) v. (ree-cored) to put a document into the official records of ...
recording acts
n. the statutes of each state which established the keeping of of...
n. in business, particularly corporations, all the written busine...
n. the right of a defendant in a lawsuit to demand deduction from...
n. the right to demand payment to the writer of a check or bill o...
v. to receive a money judgment in a lawsuit.
adj. referring to the amount of money to which a plaintiff (the p...
n. the amount of money and any other right or property received b...
n. the act of a judge or prosecutor being removed or voluntarily ...
v. to refuse to be a judge (or for a judge to agree to a request ...
v. to buy back, as when an owner who had mortgaged his/her real p...
n. the act of redeeming, buying back property by paying off a loa...
n. taking back possession and going into real property which one ...
n. a person to whom a judge refers a case to take testimony or ac...
n. the process by which the repeal or approval of an existing sta...
n. the correction or change of an existing document by court orde...
refresh one's memory
v. to use a document, exhibit or previous testimony in order to h...
n. in corporations, the record of shareholders, and issuance and ...
registration statement
n. a detailed report to be filed with the Securities and Exchange...
registry of deeds
n. the records of land title documents kept by the County Recorde...
n. rules and administrative codes issued by governmental agencies...
n. conducting a hearing again based on the motion of one of the p...
rejection of claim
n. in probate law (administration of an estate of a person who di...
1) v. to give up a right as releasing one from his/her obligation...
release on one's own recognizance
v. for a judge to allow a criminal defendant pre-trial freedom wi...
adj. having some reasonable connection with, and in regard to evi...
n. acting upon another's statement of alleged fact, claim or prom...
n. gradual change of water line on real property which gives the ...
n. generic term for all types of benefits which an order or judgm...
n. in real property law, the interest in real property that is le...
n. the person who will receive a remainder in real property.
v. to send back. An appeals court may remand a case to the trial ...
n. the means to achieve justice in any matter in which legal righ...
v. to give up something, sometimes used in quitclaim deeds.
n. 1) a judge's order reducing a judgment awarded by a jury when ...
adj., adv. extremely far off or slight. Evidence may be so remote...
n. 1) the change of a legal case from one court to another, as fr...
n. keeping an existing arrangement in force for an additional per...
1) v. to hire an object or real property for a period of time (or...
rental value
n. the amount which would be paid for rental of similar property ...
n. 1) giving up a right, such as a right of inheritance, a gift u...
n. the implementation of a business plan to restructure a corpora...
v. to restore to former condition or in some contracts to operati...
1) v. to annul an existing law, by passage of a repealing statute...
n. under common law, the right to bring a lawsuit for recovery of...
reply brief
n. the written legal argument of the respondent (trial court winn...
n. the published decisions of appeals courts in all states and fe...
v. to take back property through judicial processes, foreclosure,...
v. 1) to act as the agent for another. 2) to act as a client's at...
n. 1) the act of being another's agent. 2) acting as an attorney ...
1) n. an agent. 2) n. in probate law, a generic term for an execu...
n. a temporary delay in imposition of the death penalty (a punish...
n. denial of the existence of a contract and/or refusal to perfor...
n. a person's good name, honor or what the community thinks of hi...
adj. referring to what is accepted by general public belief, whet...
1) v. to ask or demand a judge to act (such as issuing a writ) or...
requirements contract
n. a contract between a supplier (or manufacturer) and a buyer, i...
(rayz)n. Latin, "thing." In law lingo res is used in conjunction ...
res adjudicata
n. a thing (legal matter) already determined by a court, from Lat...
res gestae
(rayz jest-tie) n. from Latin for "things done," it means all cir...
res ipsa loquitur
(rayz ip-sah loh-quit-her) n. Latin for "the thing speaks for its...
res judicata
: (rayz judy-cot-ah) n. Latin for "the thing has been judged," me...
n. selling again, particularly at retail. 2) adj. referring to sa...
v. to cancel a contract, putting the parties back to the position...
n. the cancellation of a contract by mutual agreement of the part...
rescue doctrine
n. the rule of law that if a rescuer of a person hurt or put in p...
n. a provision in a deed which keeps (reserves) to the grantor so...
v. to keep for oneself a right or a portion of the real property ...
reserve fund
n. a fund of money created to take care of maintenance, repairs o...
n. 1) the place where one makes his/her home. However, a person m...
n. a person who lives in a particular place. However, the term is...
residuary bequest
n. in a will, the gift of whatever is left (the residue) after sp...
n. in a will, the assets of the estate of a person who has died w...
resisting arrest
n. the crime of using physical force (no matter how slight in the...
n. a determination of policy of a corporation by the vote of its ...
respondeat superior
(rehs-pond-dee-at superior) n. Latin for "let the master answer,"...
n. 1) the party who is required to answer a petition for a court ...
adj. 1) legally liable or accountable. 2) having the ability to p...
Restatement of the Law
n. a series of detailed statements of the basic law in the United...
n. 1) returning to the proper owner property or the monetary valu...
restraining order
n. a temporary order of a court to keep conditions as they are (l...
restraint of trade
n. in antitrust law, any activity (including agreements among com...
restraint on alienation
n. an attempt in a deed or will to prevent the sale or other tran...
n. any limitation on activity, by statute, regulation or contract...
restrictive covenant
n. 1) an agreement included in a deed to real property that the b...
restrictive endorsement
n. an endorsement signed on the back of a check, note or bill of ...
n. common lawyer lingo for outcome of a lawsuit.
resulting trust
n. a trust implied by law (as determined by a court) that a perso...
n. the advance payment to an attorney for services to be performe...
v. 1) to stop working at one's occupation. 2) to pay off a promis...
n. 1) to withdraw any legal document in a lawsuit or other legal ...
n. a new trial granted upon the motion of the losing party, based...
adj. referring to a court's decision or a statute enacted by a le...
return of service
n. written confirmation under oath by a process server declaring ...
revenue ruling
n. a published opinion of the Internal Revenue Service stating wh...
n. the decision of a court of appeal ruling that the judgment of ...
reversible error
n. a legal mistake at the trial court level which is so significa...
n. in real property, the return to the grantor or his/her heirs o...
n. synonymous with reversion.
n. the judicial consideration of a lower court judgment by an app...
n. 1) requesting a court to reinstate the force of an old judgmen...
n. 1) mutual cancellation of a contract by the parties to it. 2) ...
v. to annul or cancel an act, particularly a statement, document ...
n. 1) an attachment to a document which adds to or amends it. Typ...
1) n. an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justi...
right of way
n. 1) a pathway or road with a specific description (e.g. "right ...
right to privacy
n. the possible right to be let alone, in absence of some "reason...
n. 1) plural of right, which is the collection of entitlements wh...
n. 1) technically a turbulent and violent disturbance of peace by...
adj. referring to the banks of a river or stream.
riparian rights
n. the right of the owner of the land forming the bank of a river...
adj. in constitutional law, referring to a law case appealed from...
n. chances of danger or loss, particularly of property covered by...
risk of loss
n. the responsibility a carrier, borrower or user of property or ...
roadside test
n. a preliminary test law enforcement officers use on a suspected...
n. 1) the direct taking of property (including money) from a pers...
rogatory letters
n. a written request by a judge to a judge in another state askin...
n. a percentage of gross or net profit or a fixed amount per sale...
1) v. to decide a legal question, by a court, as in: "I rule that...
rule against perpetuities
n. the legal prohibition against tying up property so that it can...
rules of court
n. a set of procedural regulations adopted by courts which are ma...
n. court decision on a case or any legal question.
running at large
adj. 1) referring to cattle or other animals which have escaped f...
running with the land
adj. permanently part of the title (ownership) to real property.

From the Law.com Newswire

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications