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On August 11, 2015, the State Department, the Paul G. Allen Ebola Program and MRIGlobal unveiled first of-their-kind biocontainment units at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, GA. This unique public-private partnership brought together diverse resources and advanced thinking to develop the next generation of biocontainment, greatly improving U.S. medevac capability and better preparing us for global health threats in the future. DipNote»

Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy (Aug. 11): “The world’s primary medical evacuation system for bringing patients infected with Ebola out of West Africa to the United States or Europe for medical treatment not only saved the lives of many of those evacuated, it also provided reassurance to countless other Ebola responders that they could be evacuated in case of need, and thus increased the flow of essential personnel to the region. We are proud to have participated in such a unique partnership. These units will be crucial in specialized air transport and medical precautions required for Ebola and other virus infections.”

Date: 01/31/2015 Description: Alivin Davi is an Ebola survivor. He now works at the Monrovia Medical Unit, working to help track down contacts of health care workers who may have contracted Ebola, and giving much-needed psychosocial support to patients undergoing treatment. © USAID Image

USAID leads the U.S. Government's response to the West Africa Ebola outbreak. Our priority is combating and containing the virus at its source. Right now, a coordinated global response and relief effort is making a major impact in getting to zero new infections.

Since the start of the outbreak, the United States has sent more than 3,000 DOD, CDC, USAID, and other U.S. health officials to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to assist with response efforts, as part of a 10,000-person U.S.-backed civilian response. With their help, the U.S. Government has:

  • Constructed 15 Ebola treatment units in the region
  • Provided more than 400 metric tons of personal protective equipment and other medical and relief supplies
  • Operated more than 190 burial teams in the region
  • Conducted aggressive contact tracing to identify chains of transmission
  • Trained health care workers and conducted community outreach
  • Worked with international partners to identify travelers who may have Ebola before they leave the region

Thanks to their efforts, and the work of countless others from around the world, the number of people who are contracting Ebola has declined sharply from peak levels. More»

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Department of State

  • The U.S. Department of State issued Travel Warnings against non-essential travel to Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Consular Affairs Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Due to a lack of options for routine health care services, the Department of State ordered the departure of family members residing with Embassy staff in Monrovia and Freetown.
  • U.S. Government employees in both countries will remain on active duty at the Embassies, and additional staff members are being deployed to assist the Governments of Liberia and Sierra Leone in addressing the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak.
  • Our Embassies remain open and will continue business as usual in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. We remain deeply committed to supporting regional and international efforts to deliver health care as well as contain and control the transmission of the Ebola virus.
  • The U.S. Government is monitoring the situation very closely and will update its response and travel recommendations as needed. You can find the latest information at

Embassy Pages

U.S. Agency for International Development

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USAID Ebola Page
More stories and images from USAID's fight against Ebola


Basic Ebola Facts from the CDC

  • Ebola is not transmitted through the air.
  • Individuals who are not showing signs of illness, even if infected, cannot spread the virus to others.
  • Health care workers who meticulously follow standard procedures to protect themselves from infection will be safe and able to provide medical care while protecting the entire community.

The most up-to-date information regarding the Ebola virus and its associated risks can be found on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

World Health Organization

WHO Ebola Response Page

[This is a mobile copy of Response to the Ebola Virus]

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