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n. a financing agreement form for using personal property (e.g. e...
ultimate fact
n. in a trial, a conclusion of fact which is logically deduced fr...
ultra vires
(uhl-trah veye-rehz) adj. Latin for "beyond powers," in the law o...
ultrahazardous activity
n. an action or process which is so inherently dangerous that the...
unclean hands
n. a legal doctrine which is a defense to a complaint, which stat...
adj. referring to a contract or bargain which is so unfair to a p...
adj. referring to a statute, governmental conduct, court decision...
under the influence
n. one of many phrases for being drunk on alcoholic beverages or ...
v. 1) to agree to pay an obligation which may arise from an insur...
n. a company or person which/who underwrites an insurance policy,...
undisclosed principal
n. a person who uses an agent for his/her negotiations with a thi...
undivided interest
n. title to real property held by two or more persons without spe...
undue influence
n. the amount of pressure which one uses to force someone to exec...
unfair competition
n. wrongful and/or fraudulent business methods to gain an unfair ...
unified estate and gift tax
n. in federal estate taxes, the value of the estate plus gifts up...
Uniform Commercial Code
n. a set of statutes governing the conduct of business, sales, wa...
unilateral contract
n. an agreement to pay in exchange for performance, if the potent...
uninsured motorist clause
n. the clause in a policy of insurance on an automobile which pro...
unissued stock
n. a corporation's shares of stock which are authorized by its ar...
unjust enrichment
n. a benefit by chance, mistake or another's misfortune for which...
adj. referring to any action which is in violation of a statute, ...
unlawful assembly
n. the act of assembling for the purpose of starting a riot or br...
unlawful detainer
n. 1) keeping possession of real property without a right, such a...
unreasonable search and seizure
n. search of an individual or his/her premises (including an auto...
n. the right to enjoy the benefits of real property or personal p...
use tax
n. a state tax on goods purchased in another state for use in the...
adj. referring to the interest on a debt which exceeds the maximu...
n. a rate of interest on a debt which is exorbitant and in excess...
v. 1) to issue a forged document. 2) to speak.
n. Latin for "wife." In deeds and documents the term "et ux." is ...

From the Law.com Newswire

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications