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Venice film puts spotlight on Boston's paedophile priests

Thursday, September 03, 2015 - 01:48

''Spotlight'', with Michael Keaton and Mark Ruffalo, about how the Boston Globe revealed a Roman Catholic clergy sexual abuse scandal, screens at the Venice Film Festival. Rough Cut - no narration

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STORY: "Spotlight" starring Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams as reporters working on the Boston Globe's Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation of paedophile Roman Catholic priests deals with just a fraction on sexual predation in the Church, its director says. Reports of sexual misconduct by the late British entertainer Jimmy Savile and other high profile cases are an indication of the global scope of the problem, and of failures to deal with it, Tom McCarthy said before his film's screening on Thursday (September 3) at the Venice Film Festival. The Globe's Spotlight team exposed the attacks over a period of decades by priests in the Boston archdiocese who molested young boys but instead of being reported to the police were given counselling and moved to a different parish. The expose led to the resignation of Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law in 2002. The film for the most part focuses on how the Globe's team tracked down and confronted some of the offending priests. Ruffalo said he hoped the film would help to build pressure on the Church to undertake further reforms. Stanley Tucci, who in the film portrays the victims' lawyer Mitchell Garabedian, stressed the film was not anti-Church. ''Spotlight" is screening out of competition in Venice. The film will also be screened at the Toronto International Film Festival.

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Venice film puts spotlight on Boston's paedophile priests

Thursday, September 03, 2015 - 01:48