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PIX 2015

Shallow Depth of Field (Suited to Mirrorless and SLR cameras)

Challenge #7 in the The Technique Factory. (Mirrorless or DSLR only) series. Hosted by Bren Dyer.
Challenge is now open for submissions
Choosing the right aperture to achieve a shallow depth of field is a paramount skill in manipulating camera settings for a desired effect. Earlier on in my photographic journey I had not associated aperture to depth of field, but once I realised the relationship it opened up a whole new field of possibilities. I am not going to tell you what aperture you should be using, instead I want you to research if you dont already know. Do a search on aperture and depth of field and you should find the answers. So what I am after is a shallow depth of field (a small portion of image in focus while the rest is out of focus). This skill is often used to isolate a subject. You need to take full control of your camera and either use M mode (M stands for Master in my book), or aperture priority...Get out there , research, and then shoot something wonderful! P.S, I will disqualify any images that I feel do not meet the brief. Good luck and good shooting.
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submissions end in
5 days
68 entries
voting phase ends in
12 days
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