Media & Journalist Tools

Business Wire makes your job easier with a variety of news delivery tools.

Cut Through the Clutter

From custom news filters and feeds to licensed content, Business Wire gives media professionals the tools to get the news they need.


Journalists, bloggers and other media professionals can find the news they need with Business Wire PressPass. PressPass allows you to set up customized news views and delivery options, making available only the news you need and providing access to full-text press releases, photos, videos and other content.

Twitter & RSS Feeds

Business Wire provides dozens of industry- , topic- and language-specific RSS feeds, giving you up-to-date news on the topics you cover, plus fast access to all of our multimedia news every day. We also offer more than two dozen industry-specific Twitter feeds — simply follow the feed and see every headline in that industry, every day, and click through for full text.

Licensed Content

Need news for your publication or organization website? Business Wire makes it easy to incorporate our news content onto your site. Multiple options let you add real time news and multimedia content targeted to your audiences, filtering by geography, industry or other criteria. Choose from custom news feeds that you host yourself, to Business Wire hosted options such as an RSS feed or Custom News Site.