
Professional Associations:

Data Providers:

Watchlist Screening Software:

Customer Due Diligence (CDD)/Know Your Customer (KYC) Vendors:

6 thoughts on “Vendors

    • Thanks, Dave – let me look into it. I saw your company at the ACAMS conference in Las Vegas but, being with a vendor, couldn’t spend much time looking into the solution.

      I also want to keep away from AML suites, like Norkom or Oracle/Mantas. So, if the package is a KYC/EDD suite or a sanctions screening solution, I’ll be happy to list it. But I want to exclude things that don’t lend themselves to list-based screening – otherwise, I end up in areas I have little or no competence in.

      Thanks for the feedback.

      Mr. Watchlist

    • Hi, Brad –

      Actually, I’ve been reticent to list AML players like Detica and Actimize. I don’t cover AML topics outside of CDD/EDD, really, so why list those vendors? Perhaps I’ll reconsider one day, but not for now.


      Mr. Watchlist

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