August 13, 2015: SECO sanctions 6 under new South Sudan program

On Thursday, Swiss authorities sanctioned the following 6 persons under the South Sudan program, the first made by SECO:

SSID: 195-31518 Name: Gabriel Jok Riak

Title: Lieutenant General DOB: 1966 POB: Bor, South Sudan Good quality a.k.a.: a)Gabriel Jok b) Jok Riak c) Jock Riak Address: a) Unity State, South Sudan b) Wau,Western Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan Nationality: South Sudan

Other information: a) Has commanded SPLA Sector One, which operates primarily withinUnity State, since Jan 2013. In his position as the SPLA Sector One commander, he hasexpanded or extended the conflict in South Sudan through breaches of the Cessation ofHostilities Agreement. The SPLA is a South Sudanese military entity that has engaged inactions that have extended the conflict in South Sudan, including breaches of the Jan 2014Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and the May 9, 2014 Agreement to Resolve the Crisis inSouth Sudan, which was a re-commitment to the CoHA and has obstructed the activities ofIGAD’s Monitoring and Verification Mechanism. b) Designation: Sudan People’s LiberationArmy’s (SPLA) Sector One Commander. Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015

SSID: 195-31531 Name: Simon Gatwech Dual

Title: Major General DOB: 1953 POB: a) Akobo, Jonglei State, South Sudan b) UrorCounty, Jonglei State, South Sudan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Simon Gatwich Dual b) SimonGetwech Dual c) Simon Gatwec Duel d) Simon Gatweach e) Simon Gatwick f) SimonGatwech g) Simon Garwich Low quality a.k.a.: a) General Gaduel b) Dhual Address:Jonglei State, South Sudan

Other information: a) Is the SPLM-IO Chief of General Staff and was previously thecommander of opposition forces in Jonglei State. His forces conducted an early Feb 2015attack in Jonglei State, and as of Mar 2015, he had tried to destroy the peace in JongleiState through attacks on the civilian population. b) Designation: Chief of General Staff, SPLAin Opposition. Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015

SSID: 195-31552 Name: James Koang Chuol

Title: Major General DOB: 1961 Good quality a.k.a.: a) James Koang Chol Ranley b) James Koang Chol c) Koang Chuol Ranley d) James Koang Chual Identificationdocument: Passport No. R00012098, South Sudan

Other information: Appointed commander of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army inOpposition (SPLA-IO) Special Division in Dec 2014. His forces have been engaged inattacks against civilians. In Feb 2014, forces under his command attacked United Nationscamps, hospitals, churches, and schools, engaging in widespread rape, torture, and thedestruction of property, in an attempt to flush out civilians, soldiers, and policemen allied withthe government. Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015

SSID: 195-31562 Name: Santino Deng Wol

Title: Major General DOB: 9 Nov 1962 POB: Aweil, South Sudan Good quality a.k.a.: a)Santino Deng Wuol b) Santino Deng Kuol

Other information: a) Has led and directed military actions against opposition forces andconducted confrontational troop movements in violation of the CoHA. During May 2015,forces under his command killed children, women and old men, burned property, and stolelivestock as they advanced through Unity State towards Thorjath oil field. b) Designation:Commander of the SPLA’s Third Division. Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015

SSID: 195-31571 Name: Marial Chanuong Yol Mangok

DOB: 1 Jan 1960 POB: Yirol, Lakes State Good quality a.k.a.: a) Marial Chinuong b)Marial Chan c) Marial Chanoung Yol d) Marial Chinoum Nationality: South SudanIdentification document: Passport No. R00005943, South Sudan

Other information: a) Presidential Guard led the slaughter of Nuer civilians in and aroundJuba, many who were buried in mass graves. One such grave was purported to contain 200-300 civilians. b) Designation: a) Sudan People’s Liberation Army Major General, b)Commander, Presidential Guard Unit. Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015

SSID: 195-31584 Name: Peter Gadet

Title: a) General b) Major General DOB: a) 1957 b) 1958 c) 1959 POB: a) Mayom County,Unity State b) Mayan, Unity State Good quality a.k.a.: a) Peter Gatdet Yaka b) Peter GadetYak c) Peter Gadet Yaak d) Peter Gatdet Yaak e) Peter Gatdet f) Peter Gatdeet Yaka

Other information: a) Appointed the SPLA-IO’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations on Dec21, 2014. Forces under his command targeted civilians, including women, in Apr 2014 duringan assault on Bentiu, including targeted killings on the basis of ethnicity. b) DOB range:1957-1959 Modifications: Listed on 12 Aug 2015


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