August 24, 2015
After the Buzz: The Melania Trump factor

This Week On #MediaBuzz

FRED FRANCIS said Hillary's email "would have been safer if entrusted to Ashley Madison" and that "doing an interview with Ellen is not access." AMY HOLMES said Hillary is very "disappointing" to the mainstream media that planned to support her. A.B. STODDARD said Donald Trump is the "magic dust" for media coverage. MATT LEWIS admitted that the media have been wrong "so many times" about Trump's imminent demise. KELI GOFF said Trump is resonating with voters and the media still haven't caught on. SARAH LACY praised the New York Times reporting on Amazon: "When you freak out the tech world, you're a powerful news organization."

Ask Howie

While it goes against the grain of pop culture, I have never found Stewart to be insightful or funny. Night in and night out, he panders to the same, worn out crowd who hates all things conservative. If he didn’t have 30 writers on staff, he would be about as funny as Dane Cook.

Bob Morrison

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Our new media program analyzes the coverage of a wide range of topics, including technology, social media, politics, culture and sports. Our panelists debate the week’s hottest press issues and top journalists join us for in-depth interviews.

About Howard Kurtz

Howard Kurtz currently serves as host of FOX News Channel's "#mediabuzz" (Sundays 11 AM-12 PM ET). Based in Washington, D.C., he joined the network in July 2013 and debuted on "Special Report with Bret Baier".