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Middle and High School Accommodations_848x280

Middle and High School Accommodations

Elementary School: Accommodations and Sample 504 Plans

Accommodations for a student with an eosinophilic associated disorder should be intended to keep the child safe and healthy in the school environment while protecting the child’s right to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education.

Accommodations should be written to address the individual needs of the student. By middle school and high school, students should be expected to practice self-feeding and self advocacy skills to the maximum extent reasonable.

The following are examples of accommodations for a student with an eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder in middle school or high school:

  • Allergen interaction plan including medication (i.e., epinephrine/EpiPen®) storage location, administration, etc.
  • Description of nutrient intake schedule
  • Description of individuals responsible for oversight of formula distribution
  • Description of staff training for feeding tube safety
  • Designated locations where nutrition support (e.g., formula intake, bolus feeds, etc.) will be provided
  • Availability of water/food/restroom access
  • Location of storage for formula, safe foods, feeding supplies, etc.
  • Full participation in all school-sponsored field trips and extracurricular activities

  • Accommodations for field trips and special activities
  • Extra time/testing accommodations
  • Teacher to provide missed instruction
  • Reasonable time period to make up work
  • Absences without penalty when related to the disorder
  • Parent to be notified in advance of food-related instruction
  • Alternate non-food activities provided for food-related instruction
  • Substitute teachers provided with written instructions
  • Equal treatment and encouragement
  • Privacy provided if desired
  • Confidentiality
  • When to notify parents of concerns
  • Emergency contact information

See this sample 504 planning document for more information.

Next: Postsecondary Schools

Authored by Jennifer Cardenas, The Right to Learn, http://therighttolearn.net/.©2012, The American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders.