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Emergency Medicine Trainees’ Association


Emergency Medicine is a new, progressive and exciting speciality - we are the front door of the NHS for the acutely unwell.  As trainees, we are in a position to shape and develop our speciality and training.  The Emergency Department has no gatekeepers to our service and are expected to see and treat any patient of any age at any time of the day or night, regardless of how busy the department is.  The huge spectrum of undifferentiated presentations requires us to have the broadest of knowledge bases, with extensive clinical and practical skills, as well as the advanced non-clinical skills that are required for us to function in such a pressured environment.

EMTA is the national organisation that represents trainees in Emergency Medicine.  Its main function is represent trainees’ views to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and other agencies.

Trainees who are members of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine are automatically members of EMTA, which is partially funded and enthusiastically supported by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.  We are fortunate that the College values and seeks the opinions and contributions of trainees.

Elected members provide representation to all the committees and the Council of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, as well as a variety of external bodies.  Trainee representatives attend all meetings of the Training Standards Committee, the Education & Examinations Committee, and the Research & Publications Committee, amongst others.

2014 saw a revival of the annual EMTA conference; we are looking forward to successful continuation in 2015.

To become involved in EMTA, contact the President, any one of the executive board or your regional representative: there are details of all these people on this site.  There are currently a number of committee positions up for re-election but you do not have to take on a major role or give up a huge amount of time, there are multiple projects requiring trainee input.

We hope that this website will continue to be a valuable source for anyone interested in training in Emergency Medicine.  It remains under constant development and we welcome any suggestions, feedback or contributions. 

Jon Bailey

EMTA President