Skyler Gisondo (from left), Steele Stebbins, Christina Applegate and Ed Helms star as the next generation of Griswolds in Vacation. Hopper Stone/Warner Brothers Pictures hide caption

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In 1968, ABC paired two pundits from opposite ends of the political spectrum — William F. Buckley Jr. (left) and Gore Vidal — for a cut-throat intellectual faceoff. The documentary Best of Enemies explores this media milestone. ABC Photo Archives/Getty Images/Courtesy of Magnolia Pictures hide caption

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Jason Segel plays writer David Foster Wallace in the new film The End of the Tour. A24 Films hide caption

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Newspaper clippings of young Donnie Dunagan from the early '40s. Courtesy of Donnie and Dana Dunagan. hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of Donnie and Dana Dunagan.

The cast of Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp on the AMA stage in Central Park Mike Katzif/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Mike Katzif/NPR

White God is about a dog who is separated from his owner (Zsófia Psotta) when her father forces her to give him up. Teresa Ann Miller worked as a trainer for the Hungarian film. Magnolia Pictures hide caption

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Actor Jake Gyllenhaal stars in Southpaw, a new movie about a junior middleweight boxing champion who faces adversity. Scott Garfield/The Weinstein Company hide caption

itoggle caption Scott Garfield/The Weinstein Company

Costume designer Walter Plunkett made an intricate watercolor design for Scarlett O'Hara's famous curtain dress in Gone with the Wind. Courtesy of AMPAS hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of AMPAS

Skyler Gisondo (from left), Steele Stebbins, Christina Applegate and Ed Helms are the new Griswold family — en route to Walley World — in the 2015 follow-up to the 1983 movie Vacation. Hopper Stone/Warner Brothers Pictures hide caption

itoggle caption Hopper Stone/Warner Brothers Pictures