"The minute I say I'm not going to do [The Daily Show] anymore, I will miss it like crazy," Jon Stewart says. Brad Barket/AP hide caption

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President Obama talks with The Daily Show host Jon Stewart. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption

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Robert Clark

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper, clad in his trademark kilt, speaks in 2009 at the WrestleMania 25th anniversary press conference at Hard Rock Cafe in New York City. Piper fought in the main bout at the first WrestleMania in 1985, losing a tag-team match to Hulk Hogan and Mr. T. Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images hide caption

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A spry 52 when the film was shot, Tom Cruise — still his own stuntman — careens a motorcycle, sans helmet, around a winding Moroccan highway at suicide-miles-per-hour. Bo Bridges/Paramount Pictures hide caption

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Jeremy Jordan and Anna Kendrick in The Last Five Years. Thomas Concordia/TIFF hide caption

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