An Indian Christian woman holds a placard denouncing pornography at a protest rally in Bangalore in August 2014. Aijaz Rahi/AP hide caption

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This is one of 12 rain forest landscapes by Abel Rodriguez, part of his ink-and-watercolor series Ciclo anual del bosque de la vega (Seasonal changes in the flooded rain forest). Abel Rodriguez/Courtesy of Tropenbos International, Colombia hide caption

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Families play on the beach near the village of Thanos, Lemnos. The island has more than a hundred beaches. Greek tourists like Lemnos because it's affordable and relaxing, and foreign tourists like its unspoiled beauty and traditional charm. Joanna Kakissis for NPR hide caption

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A stage production or a Korean wedding? It can be hard to tell. Elise Hu/NPR hide caption

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Girls plays basketball at a school for nearly 2,000 Syrian refugees in Reyhanli, in southern Turkey. The schools, which depends on private donations, is struggling to remain open. The students attend in five separate shifts throughout the day. Deborah Amos/NPR hide caption

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Joseph Severn's portrait of Percy Bysshe Shelley. The radical 19th century poet practiced the politics of the plate. For Shelley and other liberals of his day, keeping sugar out of tea was a political statement against slavery. Joseph Severn/Wikimedia hide caption

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