Smoked fish — a cooking method that uses the smoke of an indirect fire to lightly cook, flavor, and preserve the meat — is too often left to the professionals. But there are ways to do it indoors, at home and without much effort. Photo Illustration by Ryan Kellman and Emily Bogle/NPR hide caption

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At Anise, a bar in Beirut, Lebanon, beloved local herbs like za'atar, sage and rosemary are making their way into cocktails. "We want to do something fresh in our cocktails," says co-owner Marwan Matar. Alice Fordham/NPR hide caption

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"It now pays to get a lot of pleasure out of a little bit of sugar," says Danielle Reed, a scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. Ryan Kellman/NPR hide caption

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A label on a bag of popcorn indicates it is a non-GMO food. House Republicans on Thursday voted in favor of a law that would block states from mandating GMO labels. Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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A daily habit of sugary-sweetened drinks can boost your risk of developing the disease — even if you're not overweight. Ryan Kellman/NPR hide caption

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Labor leaders, workers and activists attend a rally for a $15 minimum hourly wage Wednesday in New York City. A panel appointed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo recommended the increase. Spencer Platt/Getty Images hide caption

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Iced tea made from local berries is served with melon and squares of sweet sticky rice topped with fruits and nuts. The nuns eat these sweets on head-shaving day, to replenish their energy. Ari Shapiro/NPR hide caption

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The hard part of making an egg replacement product is coming up with a substitute for the protein in egg whites. Wilson Hui/Flickr hide caption

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For 3-D food printers, chocolate is a good material to start with, because it's fairly simple to make it liquid inside the printer cartridge and solid once it drops out. Courtesy of Smart Gastronomy Lab, University of Liège hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of Smart Gastronomy Lab, University of Liège

Christopher Day, the dining room manager at Eleven Madison Park, is also the man behind its tea program. "My goal has always been to put together a tea list with the same standard and rigor as you would with wine," he says. Kathy YL Chan for NPR hide caption

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Lee Perry-Gal measures chicken long bones at the zooarchaeology lab, Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa. Courtesy of Guy Bar-Oz hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of Guy Bar-Oz