Trevor Noah will appear in Santa Monica on Tuesday, then head to the U.K. for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in late August. Don't worry, he'll be back in time for his debut as the Daily Show host. Michael O'Brian/Flickr hide caption

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President Obama and his delegation stand Monday during a welcome ceremony with Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn at the National Palace in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tiksa Negeri /Reuters /Landov hide caption

itoggle caption Tiksa Negeri /Reuters /Landov

In the video "Does Islam Encourage Violence?" Imam Omar Atia (left) and Zac Parsons discuss modern perceptions of Islam. Screenshot/Reclamation Studios via Youtube hide caption

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Cubans gather in Santiago de Cuba to celebrate this year's Revolution Day, the 62nd anniversary of Fidel Castro's first open assault on the forces of President Fulgencio Batista, who would eventually be overthrown by the rebels. Yamil Lage/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

itoggle caption Yamil Lage/AFP/Getty Images

Syrian refugees live in makeshift shelters in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon, just a few miles west of the Syrian border. Jason Beaubien/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Jason Beaubien/NPR