Studio Sessions

Aero Flynn On World Cafe


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Aero Flynn. i

Aero Flynn. Courtesy of the artist hide caption

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Aero Flynn.

Aero Flynn.

Courtesy of the artist

Set List

  • Twist
  • Dk/Pi
  • Crisp

The Eaux Claires music festival — a celebration of the musical community surrounding the Eau Claire, Wis., area — begins Friday, and the World Cafe studios are filled with musicians who call the city home.

The success of Justin Vernon's band Bon Iver drew international attention to Wisconsin music. But many other bands also emerged, including Field Report, Megafaun and today's guest, the Josh Scott-led band Aero Flynn. According to an emotional bio written by fellow Wisconsin musician Chris Porterfield of Field Report, Vernon and Scott both led bands with shared members. Scott's band was considered better, but a crisis of confidence led him away from the music business. Now, more than a decade later, he's back with a self-titled album.



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