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Everything you ever wanted to know about recycling

Jul 6, 2015
Is it worth it? Environmentally, yes. Economically, sometimes. Cue the ballistic separator.
Posted In: recycling efficiency glass aluminum plastic

Why do some movies open early?

Jul 2, 2015
Midnight premieres draw in super-fans build buzz for summer blockbusters
Posted In: Entertainment, movie, summer, box office

How much do TV theme songwriters earn?

Jun 22, 2015
Every time a show airs — ka-ching! — the composer gets paid.
Posted In: i've always wondered, television, Music
Talk Like a Pirate Day is a national event celebrated on YouTube every September.

Just how do national days get on the calendar?

Jun 1, 2015
It's Go Barefoot Day? Penpal Day? Say Something Nice Day? Who says?

Why do companies offer free stuff at the same cost?

May 22, 2015
Pepsi was among the first companies to try it.
Posted In: Retail, shopping, i've always wondered, Pepsi
Packaging ketchup isn't cheap.

Why are ketchup packets so... unsatisfying?

May 11, 2015
They're too small, hard to open, and utterly resistant to change.
Posted In: ketchup, Heinz ketchup, food manufacturers
Sometimes airlines overbook their flights, but there's a reason.

Why in the world do airlines overbook tickets?

Apr 27, 2015
It's intentional, and not totally evil — it might even be good.
Posted In: Airlines, big data, tickets
An income tax form.

Why do people overpay their taxes, then get refunds?

Apr 13, 2015
Many taxpayers will receive a refund averaging $2,800. That's free money for the government.
Posted In: federal taxes, Taxes, tax refunds

Getting back from March Madness

Apr 6, 2015
So you're out of the tournament. How do you and your teammates get home?
Posted In: March Madness, NCAA, basketball, Sports
Art is displayed along a wall in a Standard Queen room at the Hilton in Westchester, New York.

Where do hotels buy their art?

Mar 30, 2015
Most buy images that fit within design requirements. But the options are endless.
Posted In: art, hotels, design

Editor Picks

Why does popcorn at the movies cost so much?

Aug 4, 2014
Hint: Movie theaters don’t make much money from movies. Movie studios do.
Posted In: movies, food costs, Food, tickets, popcorn

How do rental car companies make money?

Feb 10, 2014
And seriously, what's with those key chains you can't take apart?
Posted In: rental car, cars, Hertz

About this collection

Have you ever wondered why you can buy a whole rotisserie-cooked chicken at the grocery store cheaper than a pack of two frozen chicken breasts? Or why hotels give you a mending kit but no toothbrush? What does the YKK mean on all of your zippers? Who invented the foam finger? If you’re like us, you’ve got a lot of questions about the small, simple, brilliant and ubiquitous things in the world of business, and we want to help answer them for you.

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