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Quick laughs, classic features, newsletters and more

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Time Kill Weekly

Subscribe now to the official, free, Car Talk Newsletter.  Published whenever we have something to say.

Puzzler Newsletter

Every Monday morning we'll email you the new Car Talk Puzzler — regardless of whether it's historic, folkloric, or just plain boooooo-gus!

Quick Laughs

Hate Mail

What prompts an otherwise calm, peaceful person to set pen to paper for the sole purpose of telling us what morons we are?  We'll show you!

Car Talk in the Comics

What's so funny about a couple of brothers in a broadcast booth?  A lot, apparently ... at least if you're a cartoonist.

Many Benefits of Car Talk

Did you know Car Talk is also good for: Attracting sheep.  Repelling Skunks.  Drowning out irate spouses... and more.

Lame Jokes

By popular demand: The truly lame jokes from our Time Kill Weekly newsletter.

Car Talk Caption Contest

Truly wacko Car Talk photos — and your winning captions.

Car Talk Traffic Tickets

Hand deliver one of our unique, printable Car Talk violation notices today.

Links We Like

So, what's Car Talk clicking on? Here are our favorite listener-submitted links of the week.

Kill Time

Classic Features

Kill time with our top-rated web articles ever, including the worst cars of the millennium, the ultimate guy and chick cars and a tour through the garage.

Listener Photo Album

Who wastes a perfectly good hour listening to our lousy show?  Have a look!  And share your photos.

All-time Favorite Letters

Read the best letters listeners have sent to us over the years.

Golden Wrench Award

A mechanic who demonstrates the highest levels of skill and the greatest amount of decency?  Yes, they're out there.  Nominate a great mechanic for our Golden Wrench Award and see past winners.


Feeling cheap?  Great!  Choose from dozens of our somewhat whacko and 100% free Car Talk e-cards.

Rant and Rave

What's ticking off Tom and Ray?  Find out, and add your vituperative two cents.

Really Hard Puzzlers

Car Talk's historic, folkloric...and occasionally interesting Puzzlers.  Can you answer this week's?

Car Talk Bingo

Play Bingo while you listen to our lousy show, or head off on a road trip.

NPR's Driveway Moments

Remember a great NPR story that had you sitting in the driveway, reluctant to shut off the car because you might miss something while going into the house?  Those are Driveway Moments.

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