Jill Sobule. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Jill Sobule On Mountain Stage

Hear Sobule perform "Mexican Wrestler" following an audience member's enthusiastic request.

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Joe Pug (left) and Matt Schuessler. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Joe Pug On Mountain Stage

After a brief break from performing, the singer-songwriter returns with a new album, Windfall.

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Pokey LaFarge. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Pokey LaFarge On Mountain Stage

LaFarge's style of roots music draws on early jazz, country blues and Western swing.

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Dar Williams. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Dar Williams On Mountain Stage

Williams performs music from her new album, Emerald, alongside collaborator Jill Sobule.

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Amy Speace, right, with Megan Palmer. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Amy Speace On Mountain Stage

The singer-songwriter, a former Shakespearean actor, performs alongside fiddler Megan Palmer.

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Feufollet. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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Feufollet On Mountain Stage

Ever heard a Cajun-style Brian Eno cover? This six-piece Lafayette, La., band delivers.

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The Milk Carton Kids. Brian Blauser/Mountain Stage hide caption

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The Milk Carton Kids On Mountain Stage

In a live setting, the folk duo's poignant songwriting is offset by sharp, witty stage banter.

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