Proposed federal rules would aim to minimize the use of antipsychotic drugs and increase training for nurses in dementia care. Jiri Hubatka/imageBroker/Corbis hide caption

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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (front left) leaves after a meeting of eurozone heads of state Monday at the EU Council building in Brussels. The summit reached a tentative agreement with Greece for a bailout program that includes "serious reforms," removing an immediate threat that Greece could collapse financially and leave the euro. Francois Walschaerts/AP hide caption

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A federal police Black Hawk helicopter flies over a house at the end of a tunnel through which drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman could have escaped from Mexico's Altiplano prison. Yuri Cortez /AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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"Probably the most shocking thing to me was the number of people that die every day in the United States from a drug overdose. I knew there was a problem. I knew it was big. I didn't know it was 120 people a day," acting DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg said in his first interview since taking over at the agency. Dennis Cook/AP hide caption

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The varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in children, then lurks in the body for years and can cause painful shingles later in life. James Cavallini/Science Source hide caption

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Adolfo Valle for NPR

Malala Yousafzai celebrated her birthday and the opening of a new school with "brave and inspiring girls of Syria" in Lebanon on Sunday. WAEL HAMZEH/EPA /LANDOV hide caption

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Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb (right) speaks with Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos during a round table meeting of eurogroup finance ministers in Brussels on Sunday. Virginia Mayo/AP hide caption

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Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is escorted to a helicopter in handcuffs by Mexican navy marines at a navy hanger in Mexico City after his capture last year. Mexico's security now say Guzman has escaped from a maximum security prison for the second time. Eduardo Verdugo/AP hide caption

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"I know that you may have moments in your lives when you're filled with doubts, or you feel weighed down by history ... But when you start to feel that way, I want you all to remember one simple but powerful truth — that every single one of your lives is precious and sacred, and each of you was put on this earth for a reason," Michelle Obama said addressing the gathering. Jacquelyn Martin/AP hide caption

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Men line up at a takeaway food stand in the Saudi port of Jeddah in the early hours of August 26, 2011. Practicing Muslims eat their suhoor meal before dawn during the holy fasting month of Ramadan. Amer Hilabi/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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Suspected members of El Salvador's 18th Street gang stand handcuffed in pairs at a police station in Panchimalco, near San Salvador. The government has launched well-publicized raids, roundups and a crackdown on gang leaders, locking them away in maximum security prisons. Manu Brabo/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Manu Brabo/AP

Frederik de Pue whisks mayonnaise, instead of raw eggs, into his bearnaise sauce. Ted Robbins/NPR hide caption

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