Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (front left) leaves after a meeting of eurozone heads of state Monday at the EU Council building in Brussels. The summit reached a tentative agreement with Greece for a bailout program that includes "serious reforms," removing an immediate threat that Greece could collapse financially and leave the euro. Francois Walschaerts/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Francois Walschaerts/AP

In The Look of Silence, Indonesian optician Adi Rukun, pictured here in a scene from the film with his mother, investigates the murder of his older brother in mass violence following a 1965 coup. Perpetrators and their relatives "would taunt us for being their victims," he says. Courtesy of Drafthouse Films and Participant Media hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of Drafthouse Films and Participant Media

Malala Yousafzai celebrated her birthday and the opening of a new school with "brave and inspiring girls of Syria" in Lebanon on Sunday. WAEL HAMZEH/EPA /LANDOV hide caption

itoggle caption WAEL HAMZEH/EPA /LANDOV

Suspected members of El Salvador's 18th Street gang stand handcuffed in pairs at a police station in Panchimalco, near San Salvador. The government has launched well-publicized raids, roundups and a crackdown on gang leaders, locking them away in maximum security prisons. Manu Brabo/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Manu Brabo/AP