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Contact details for the Examinations Department can be found here.


MCEM Part C results – published 10th June 2015

The MCEM Part C results for the sitting in Nottingham June 2015 are now available to download MCEM Part C Results, UK June 2015 

Candidates who are unsuccessful in the Spring 2015 sitting of the Part C will be permitted to sit the examination in the Autumn 2015 diet by applying online to resit the examination via the College’s website.    

Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the examination application processing flowchart.  Examination Application Flowchart - MCEM.

Priority for Part C places will be given to CT3 trainees or potential applicants for ST4 and thereafter by date of application.  It is likely that there will not be sufficient places in the November 2015 diet and candidates may be deferred to February 2016. There will be no grounds for appeal against the allocation of places.

If you do not know your candidate number, please refer to previous correspondence. Please do not email or telephone the office.

For those candidates that failed, feedback will be sent in due course.

The next sitting of the MCEM Part B and Part C examinations are the 8th October 2015 and the 23rd – 27th November 2015.  The closing date for the completed online application form and appropriate fees is 10th July 2015.

Those candidates that have now failed the Part C four times will now be required to retake the Part B examination.  The next available Part B examination is the 8th October 2015.  Those candidates who have exceeded the four years permitted to complete the full MCEM examination will be required to retake MCEM Part A.  The next available diet is 9th December 2015 and the online application process will open 14th September 2015.


MCEM Parts B and C examination results India – published 2 July 2015

The MCEM Part B and C results for the sitting in India in June 2015 are now available to download MCEM Part B and C examination results June 2015, India.

Candidates who are unsuccessful in the June 2015 sitting of the MCEM Part B and/or Part C examination will be permitted to resit the examination in the December 2015 diet by applying online via the College’s website. 

Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the examination application processing flowchart.

Examination Application Form Flowchart - MCEM

Priority of places for the examinations is allocated on date of receipt of when you application form is submitted.  

If you do not know your candidate number please refer to previous correspondence. Please do not email or telephone the office.

For those candidates that failed the Part B and/or Part C examination, feedback will be sent in due course.

The next sitting of the MCEM Part B and C examination is 7 – 10 December 2015 in Hyderabad and Chennai, The online application form will be open by 5.00pm (GMT time) on Monday 5 October 2015 and will close automatically at 11.59pm (GMT time) on Monday 19 October 2015.

Those candidates that have now failed the Part C four times will now be required to retake the Part B examination.  The next available Part B examination is the 7 December 2015.  Those candidates who have exceeded the four years permitted to complete the full MCEM examination will be required to retake MCEM Part A.  The next available diet is in December and the online application process will open 14 September 2015.


MCEM Part A Results 4th June 2015 – published 18th June 2015

The MCEM Part A results for the sitting on 4th June 2015 are now available to download MCEM Part A - June 2015 Results

If you do not know your candidate number please refer to previous correspondence.  Please do not email or telephone the office.

All result letters will be prepared and posted out to all candidates at the end of July 2015.

The next sitting of the Part A examination is on 9th December 2015, online applications will open Mid-September and the closing date for the fully completed online applications and appropriate fees is 2nd October 2015.


MCEM Part B and C examinations Autumn 2015 

The MCEM Part B and C online application form is now open

Click here to apply for the MCEM Part B and C Examinations

Online applications for the examinations will close automatically at 11.59pm (GMT time) on Friday 10 July 2015.

Any applications not submitted by this time will not be considered for the autumn sitting of the MCEM Part B and C Examinations.

Please be aware that we will not be accepting any late or paper application forms for the examination.

All examination fees must be paid for online we will not be accepting any card payments (over the telephone), bank transfers or cheques.

Please ensure that you complete the online application form correctly any incomplete application forms will be rejected and you will have to reapply.


Examination online application process

The examination online application follows a process from the application being submitted through to candidate letters being produced.

Please review the flowchart showing the process examinations and training Examination Application Form Flowchart - MCEM



Entry to the Membership Examination of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MCEM) is based on regulations published on the College’s website. These regulations are updated regularly and candidates are advised to look at the regulations for the diet of the current and future examinations before applying.

MCEM Regulations Spring 2015 onwards

A trainee who is otherwise eligible may take MCEM Parts B and C, 36 months after qualification as a doctor (including internship/FY1 year). In the UK this is during the second year of Emergency Medicine training in ACCS although many candidates find it helpful to delay the examination until entry into the third year of training in the UK (CT3).

For trainees enrolled on the Emergency Medicine training programme at Apollo Hospitals in India, this will usually be after the end of their second year of Emergency Medicine training even though they might be enrolled in a three-year training programme.

It is recognised that the examination itself is but one part of the development and evidence of competence needed for autonomous practice after completion of core Emergency Medicine training. Additional experience will be needed over and above the 36 months minimum for eligibility to the exam to practice autonomously.  

Overseas trainees need not be enrolled in a particular hospital’s training programme as long as the post includes formal training opportunities (lectures/tutorials) and the candidate can demonstrate that they have had regular appraisal and educational development meetings. These will usually be records of appraisal meetings and of educational sessions attended/course certfiicates.

Candidates who wish for overseas experience to be counted, MUST ensure every post has been signed off by the educational supervisor. Failure to complete the form correctly will mean that you will not be accepted for the examination.

Please note you must have a valid visa before applying for the examination.

Regulations for international examinations are available here.


Appeals procedure for FCEM & MCEM

Resus Guidelines

The College recommends following the UK Resuscitation Council guidelines and ATLS guidelines. However, candidates who work in hospitals that use different guidelines may state the name/source of the  alternative guideline  (for example ERC or AHA) they are following if it differs from the UK guidelines.  The College recommends following the most recent UKRC guideline – but when these change, it is acceptable to state the old guideline for up to 6 months after the change.

Preparing for the examination

Candidates should note that the exam requires considerable preparation. The College recommends that candidates have the best chance of success in the exam if they are closely supervised in the period of preparation. Specifically the College recommends that the candidate receives regular focused training in clinical skills and regular feedback on their performance. This supervision and support would appear to be crucial in success, as evidenced by the success rate of the trainees in taking the examination compared to doctors who do not have the standard of supervision received in training posts.

MCEM Results Autumn 2011 – Summer 2012:

% of candidates who passed - non trainees% of candidates who passed - trainees
Part A



Part B



Part C



MCEM Applications

The Syllabus and curriculum for the Part A and Part B/C can be found on the curriculum page of this website Curriculum from August 2010

Please note that candidates who are re-sitting the MCEM Part C (OSCE) will not have priority places reserved for them in the OSCE. Therefore in order to ensure that you have a place in the OSCE, candidates for resits are advised to apply immediately after the last diet for the subsequent diet.

International Centres

The Membership Examination (Part B and C)  is held in India twice a year.