
Centers for Disease Control

CDCgov is official IG source for credible health & safety updates f/ Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
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1 child out of every 13 alive in the U.S. today will ultimately die early from smoking. Unless we do something to reduce smoking rates. #YouCanQuit
July’s Emerging Infectious Diseases journal theme is Malaria. The cover image features Foliage, Flowers, and Seed-vessels of a Peruvian Bark Tree by English botanical artist Marianne North. “Marianne North is celebrated for her meticulous attention to detail, form, and color. Her collection of 833 paintings, which portray more than 900 species of plants, comprises her life’s work…North’s graceful painting captures many key facets of her specimen. In the center, a small branch is clustered with white flowers… The Peruvian bark tree…is a cinchona of the family Rubiaceae, native to the western forests of the South American Andes. Its bark produces several alkaloids, including quinine, which has potent antimalarial properties…The World Health Organization (WHO) documents that 198 million cases of malaria occurred globally in 2013…WHO further reported that in 2014, malaria transmission was ongoing in 97 countries…recent increases in resources, political will, and commitment have led to great improvements in malaria control in many parts of the malaria-endemic world,” said Byron Breedlove and Paul Arguin in Emerging Infectious Diseases
Happy Fathers Day! Tag @CDCgov in your #FathersDay photos and tell us what health means to you! #MensHealthWeek
When was the last time you went for a check-up? Preventative care is very important! Pictured here is CDC Health Scientist, Derrick Gervin after getting his blood pressure taken. Take the initiative this week to schedule an appointment and stay on top of your health. #CheckUpDay #MensHealthWeek
In recognition of National Men’s Health Week, CDC employees prepare for an early morning run/walk. #MensHealthWeek
What does health mean to you? CDC employees participate in the annual 5K run/walk to promote men’s health week. #MensHealthWeek
CDC Computer Programmer, Kevin Harper, in deep thought while answering the question “What do you do to tame stress?” His answer: “I listen to Jazz music and specifically Portishead. And I work out. Those two things help me tame stress. And I hang out with my kids. They definitely make me laugh.” Kevin is also wearing blue in support of #MensHealthWeek #ShowUsYourBlue
Remember the best ways to manage stress are through self-care. Feeling down? Here are some tips: avoid drugs and alcohol, find support, stay active and take care of yourself! #MentalHealth
CDC Health Communications Specialist, Everett Long, starts every day with a grain, some fruit and protein. Today it’s oatmeal with blueberries and a protein shake. What are some of your favorite healthy breakfast foods? #MensHealthWeek
The goal of the Navajo Birth Cohort Study is to better understand the relationship between uranium exposures and birth outcomes on the Navajo Nation. Pictured here is LCDR Candis M. Hunter, an ATSDR environmental epidemiologist and the project officer for the study together with partners from the Navajo Nation Department of Health and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service. Learn more about the project. Link in bio
CDC Computer Programmer, Leonard Jackson, taking a quick 3 mile run on one of the CDC Atlanta campus trails. Do you work near green space or walking trails? Try using your lunch break to get moving and take a stroll or a light jog. #GetActive #MensHealthWeek
More than 1 in 5 adult men smoke. During #NMHW, quit & lower your risk of many diseases related to smoking. #CDCTips #menshealthweek
The men of CDC's Office on Smoking and Health wear blue in honor of #MensHealthWeek and encourage you to toss the tobacco and quit smoking! #TobaccoFree 
Pictured from left to right front row first:
Bill Marx, Darryl Konter, Curt Shannon, Brian King