Thoughts on the Lib Dems, and how political spin works


Politics is everyone's business: in defence of business leaders who reveal their party allegiance
By Richard Morris - 01 May 15:26

Why it's wrong to admonish the potential future CBI chief for backing the Tories.

The Lib Dems' coalition red lines are too agreeable – they need to start playing hard to get
By Richard Morris - 20 April 12:01

No one's talking about deals with the Lib Dems, because there's nothing in their manifesto to scare the Tory or Labour horses.

Snooper's Charter: why restrict our freedom as a response to an attack on free speech?
By Richard Morris - 13 January 14:13

The irony of David Cameron's response to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack.

Could Nick Clegg be the price for a Lib Dem coalition with Labour?
By Richard Morris - 08 January 9:21

Would the Lib Dems manage to keep Nick Clegg as leader during coalition negotiations with Labour?

Money matters: why Labour may need the Lib Dems more then the Tories do
By Richard Morris - 13 October 9:34

Will the decision whether or not to go into coalition in 2015 depend more on money than on principle?

The Lib Dems are running on the promise of hope
By Richard Morris - 07 October 17:44

The Liberal Democrats are giving hope to their grassroots activists, and that's what matters come the election.

The devolution debate should be focused on fairness, not patriotism
By Richard Morris - 25 September 14:57

Democracy shouldn't make you pick sides.

How much of a threat is Ukip to the Lib Dems?
By Richard Morris - 05 September 13:43

The Liberal Democrats aren't as universally europhile as you think.

Tories criticising Douglas Carswell should remember there aren't just two choices for 2015
By Richard Morris - 01 September 14:07

If Carswell wins his by-election, and the potential momentum that could give Ukip, an EU referendum will look more likely – and the renegotiation would suddenly look very different.

Nick Clegg's revised stance on immigration just shows up his previous bungles
By Richard Morris - 05 August 12:40

The Lib Dem leader's tougher words on immigration policy today reveal the lack of "wisdom" from his advisers during his debates with Ukip's Nigel Farage.

Nick Clegg. Photo: Getty
Blaming Lib Dem HQ over the Rennard allegations is wrong; party members must step up
By Richard Morris - 03 July 15:04

In a party that prides itself on the power its members have over procedure, perhaps it's they who should be blamed for the handling of the Rennard case.

Natural justice, not merely the law, must be seen to be applied in cases of wrongdoing.
The Mike Hancock saga shows that politicians can't be judged by the law alone
By Richard Morris - 20 June 14:26

Natural justice, not merely the law, must be seen to be applied in cases of wrongdoing.

The Lib Dem leader should seek a renewed mandate from his party.
Clegg should tell the rebels to "put up or shut up"
By Richard Morris - 26 May 13:24

The Lib Dem leader should seek a renewed mandate from his party.

The party's visceral attacks on the Lib Dems show it is staking everything on a majority.
Is Ed Miliband a lucky general?
By Richard Morris - 09 May 17:21

The party's visceral attacks on the Lib Dems show it is staking everything on a majority. 

How many know that the party still aspires to abolish tuition fees and plans to review the bedroom tax?
The progressive Lib Dem policies that no one knows about
By Richard Morris - 11 April 12:33

How many know that the party still aspires to abolish tuition fees and plans to review the bedroom tax? 

Nick Clegg at the Lib Dems' annual spring conference in March. (Photo: Getty)
Are things really looking that bad for the Lib Dems?
By Richard Morris - 01 April 14:07

According to the FT, 72% of people who voted for the Lib Dems in 2010 would no longer do so. But no one’s panicking yet.

The Deputy PM needs a lot more passion.
To burst the Farage bubble, Clegg needs to win hearts, not just heads
By Richard Morris - 27 March 13:46

Next week, the Deputy PM needs some pointed barbs, a few more jokes and a lot more passion.