The government has questions to answer over the rail fiasco
By Lilian Greenwood - 26 June 15:43

Passengers deserve better than ministers who are happy to be photographed next to new trains but then withhold the truth from the public.

David Cameron and George Osborne on the campaign trail at an Arriva factory. Photo: Getty Images
The government has questions to answer over the rail fiasco
By Lilian Greenwood - 26 June 15:35

Passengers deserve better than ministers who are happy to be photographed next to new trains but then withhold the truth from the public.

David Cameron leaves Downing Street. Photo: Getty Images
What causes Islamic terror? David Cameron can't decide
By Stephen Bush - 26 June 14:55

David Cameron seems to have a different take on what causes Islamic terrorism every week.

Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin arrive at Potsdam shortly after the 1945 election. Photo: Harry Truman Library.
Why has Labour forgotten its past?
By Steve Fielding - 26 June 11:53

The anniversary of Labour's first majority has passed unnoticed in Labour circles. Why?

Ed and David Miliband embrace after the former beat the latter to the Labour leadership. Photo: Getty Images
Why Labour MPs could still decide the final result
By Chris Hanretty - 26 June 9:00

The backing of MPs could still have a decisive effect on the votes of Labour members.

A nebula, viewed by the Hubble Telescope. Photo: Getty Images
Will the trade unions pick the next Labour leader after all?
By Stephen Bush - 25 June 17:58

The small numbers of trade unionists signing up to vote in the Labour leadership election has some smelling a stitch-up. The reality is more mundane.

Iain Duncan Smith addresses Conservative Party conference. Photo: Getty Images
Could Universal Credit hold the key to tackling child poverty?
By David Finch - 25 June 15:41

The troubled programme, if done right, could hold the keys to tackling child poverty. 

Books pile up in an old shop. Photo: Getty Images
Two books that Labour's next leader must read
By David Blunkett - 25 June 12:58

Labour must avoid suffering its own strange death. 

Ed Miliband addresses Citizens UK. Photo: Getty Images
This is the true end of New Labour
By Stephen Bush - 25 June 8:00

Ed Miliband's political project was to bury New Labour. Today he succeeds, but not in the way he'd have wished.

David Cameron's attempts to move the goalposts on poverty are a disaster - but don't take my word for it
By Alison Garnham - 24 June 17:20

You can't define away poverty - and David Cameron himself has admitted that. 

Jon Cruddas poses for photos during his bid for Labour's deputy leadership. Photo: Getty Images
Is an English Labour party on its way?
By Stephen Bush - 24 June 14:49

Jon Cruddas appears to have let slip that an English Labour party is on its way. But Labour insiders say the idea is not on the agenda - yet.

Nigel Farage addresses Ukip conference in 2014. Photo: Getty Images
Look behind you: how Labour can avoid the threat of Ukip
By Patrick Diamond - 24 June 12:03

Ukip did untold damage to Labour both in its heartlands and in the battlegrounds. What can be done about it?

Enola Gay, the first nuclear bomber, goes on display. Photo: Getty Images
Trident's an outdated waste. Even the military say so
By Kate Hudson - 24 June 8:00

A new report shows how antiquated our nuclear deterrent is.

David Cameron during Xi Jinping's visit to Britain. Photo: Getty Images
David Cameron's sums don't add up - his cuts would hurt, not help, the working poor
By Spencer Thompson - 23 June 16:39

Cameron's merry-go-round isn't as crazy as it sounds - and his attempts to fix it would deal real damage. 

Here's why I, and 324 councillors, are backing Tessa Jowell for London Mayor
By Peter Mason - 23 June 15:44

We require three things of our next Mayor: the ability to win the confidence of Londoners; the determination to change our city for the better; and the experience of getting things done. 

New Broadcasting House. Photo: Getty Images
If anything, the BBC tilts to the right
By Douglas Beattie - 23 June 13:44

The role of newspapers in shaping the news agenda has given the institution a right-wing editorial bias. 

David Cameron and George Osborne attend the Queen's Speech. Photo: Getty Images
The government should be tackling low pay, not hitting the lowest paid
By Stephen Timms and Chris Leslie - 23 June 11:19

The government's plans to cut £12bn from the welfare bill are aiming at the wrong target, say Chris Leslie and Stephen Timms.

Jeremy Corbyn. Photo: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images
Why are we so certain that Jeremy Corbyn can't win?
By Stephen Bush - 23 June 9:22

There is a path to victory for Jeremy Corbyn. A fraught one, but it's there.

Flags of Greece and the European Union fly over the Acropolis in Greece. Photo: Getty Images
Greece moves closer to a deal
By New Statesman - 23 June 8:00

The government in Athens has given way on key proposals, reviving hopes of a deal between Greece and its creditors. 

Ed Miliband waits to address the party faithful. Photo: Getty Images
David Cameron has borrowed Ed Miliband's methods. He may end up with Ed Miliband's fate
By Stephen Bush - 22 June 16:30

David Cameron has come around to Ed Miliband's way of thinking on the welfare bill. He could end up in the same dead end.

A Labour canvasser gets ready to go out on the doors. Photo: Getty Images
The Labour leadership race has been obsessed with personalities. Here's what it really needs
By Michael Meacher - 22 June 15:59

Rather than focussing on the faces at the top, Labour needs to think about what's going on underneath the surface, says Michael Meacher.

Jeremy Corbyn addresses an anti-austerity march. Photo: Getty Images
Labour's new leader has one mission: avoiding extinction
By Robert Corfe - 22 June 15:03

Labour truly needs just "one more heave" - until their final extinction. 

Anti-austerity marchers take to the streets in London. Photo: Getty Images
Tweet "in solidarity" if you want, but don't kid yourself it changes anything
By Rosie Fletcher - 22 June 11:59

If you want things to change, if you want to end austerity, your tweet of solitary solidarity is as good as writing your wishes in your teenage diary. You do not change the world by telling people that you wish you could. You express your solidarity with people by marching at their side. 

Ed Miliband addresses Scottish Labour conference. Photo: Getty Images
Who will win the Labour leadership election? It's a little early to tell
By Tim Bale - 22 June 8:02

Forget what bookmakers and journalists are saying - our poll of party members finds it all too close to call, reveal Tim Bale and Paul Webb.

A father plays with his children in a park. Photo: Getty Images
This Father's Day, spare a thought for Britain's youngest dads
By Javed Khan - 21 June 9:00

Thanks to the government's changes to benefits, this may be the last Father's Day that many young fathers can spent with their children alone.

Refugees from Syria huddle under a makeshift tent in Turkey. Photo: Getty Images
The world is gripped by the biggest refugee crisis in its history. Britain must act
By Gavin Shuker - 20 June 10:48

Britain has retreated from the world - and left the most vulnerable to fend for themselves.

A protester moves a balloon with David Cameron's likeness at the recent G7 summit. Photo: Getty Images
Government policy has long seen British Muslims as bystanders at best, suspects at worst. Today is just more of the same
By Maria Norris - 19 June 17:08

David Cameron’s call this morning for “Muslims” to be vigilant about terror in their midst did not come from a clear blue sky. 

Prime Minister Tony Blair walks and talks with Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy. Photo: Getty Images
Warning to the Labour leadership candidates: don't turn inwards, but look out, to Britain and to the wider world
By Seb Dance - 19 June 16:59

Labour's leadership hopefuls must look out into the wider world if they are to grasp the scale of the change we need, warns Seb Dance MEP in an open letter.

Manchester Town Hall. Photo: Getty Images
"I'll be a prisoner in my own home" - the cruellest cut of all is just around the corner
By Stuart Rodger - 19 June 15:55

The Independent Living Fund has transformed the lives of the disabled people who use it. But now it's under threat. 

George Osborne, the Chancellor, joins the Chelsea football team with the European Cup. Photo: Getty Images
Today's borrowing figures are good news - but we're not out of the woods yet
By Nida Broughton - 19 June 14:30

Britain will need five more years like this if George Osborne is to have any chance of balancing the books, warns Nida Broughton.
