
Media pack

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Advertising contacts

Name Position Telephone
Peter Coombs Commercial Director +44 (0)203 096 2268
Leon Parks Advertising Production +44 (0)20 7936 6461
Cameron Sharpe Online Production +44 (0)20 7936 3776


Magazine advertising rates 2013


Type/Size   Rate

Display (features)

Cover DPS £6070
DPS £5060
Full page £2640
1/2 page £1386
1/3 page £1012
1/4 page £760
1/6 page £510
1/8 page £390

Classified display (features)

Single column cm (3cm min) £35.00
Full Page £2585
1/2 Page £1375
1/4 page £760
1/8 page £390

Events listing

Listing (max 50 words) £30
Semi display (max 50 words) £50
Box number*
* pre payment required (credit card or cheque)


(no gate folds)

Type under 10g over 10g


Subscribers £75 £80
News stand £75 £80


Subscribers £50 £55
News stand £44 £48


Agency commission 10%
5% per three insertions booked

Cancellation: 2 weeks prior to publication