Mehdi Hasan is a contributing writer for the New Statesman and the co-author of Ed: The Milibands and the Making of a Labour Leader. He was the New Statesman's senior editor (politics) from 2009-12.

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Mehdi Hasan
10 March 2015
Only as "British" as the BNP.
Mehdi Hasan
22 December 2014
’Tis the season of Nativity scenes.
Mehdi Hasan
04 December 2014
A bank transaction tax would win votes.
Mehdi Hasan
20 November 2014
“We were wrong then, let’s not be wrong now.”
Mehdi Hasan
18 September 2014
No air strikes on Isis.
Mehdi Hasan
05 September 2014
Inside jobs and Israeli stooges.
Mehdi Hasan
08 August 2014
The inconvenient truth.
Mehdi Hasan
16 July 2014
Why is Israel a “special case”?
