France, postcoloniality and all things south


David Cameron on a visit to a Manchester mosque in 2013. Photo: Darren Staples/WPA Pool/Getty Images
Why is David Cameron using British Muslims as the scapegoat for his government’s failings?
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 19 June 16:51

The prime minister’s approach to radicalisation sees Muslims as somehow the pure product of their religion, not as British citizens, while also conveniently glossing over government failings.

Ragevan Vasan and Paige Round in Avaes Mohammad’s plays. Photo: Mark Douet
The absurd hunt for “Muslim toddler terrorists” exposes the extent of anti-Muslim prejudice
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 10 June 10:35

As the perception of a tacit complicity by the Muslim community in terrorist activity has gained traction, art has become a major outlet for protest and dissent.

An anti-racism demonstration in London in 2014. Photo: Getty
To talk about race, we need to talk about the problem with “whiteness”
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 28 April 15:16

Amid charges of “multiculturalism gone too far” and “political correctness gone mad”, attacking “culture” has become the new acceptable conduit for racism. It has to stop.

A security guard at the gates to Yarl’s Wood. Photo: Bryn Lennon/Getty Images
Why are pregnant women being detained in Yarl’s Wood?
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 31 March 12:26

New evidence from the charity Medical Justice shows that some pregnant women in detention are receiving sub-standard medical care, putting the life of both mother and child at risk.

Women in Egypt mark the anniversary of the Arab Spring at a rally in Tahrir Square. Photo: Getty
Feminism has been hijacked by white middle-class women
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 13 February 16:23

To paraphrase bell hooks: there is little point making women equal to men when not all men are equal. 

French police officers stand guard outside Paris' main mosque as people enter for Friday prayers. Photo: Eric Feferberg/AFP/Getty Images
Is the Charlie Hebdo attack really a struggle over European values?
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 09 January 13:07

By targeting the French magazine, the attackers were able to deepen already profound rifts in French society and establish an atmosphere ripe for the recruitment of alienated youths.

The feminist case for the veil
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 12 December 14:03

In Refusing the Veil, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has written a socially conservative book that is dressed up as a liberal feminist manifesto. Rather than challenging the prejudice Muslim women face, Alibhai-Brown provides the ultimate insider’s reassurance that such emotions are warranted and legitimate.

Theological explanations are a diversion when looking at the rise of Islamic State
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 13 November 15:11

Look beyond the smokescreen of Islamic "essence" when analysing the motives of Islamic State.

French President François Hollande. Photo: Getty
Where has the French Left gone?
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 03 September 12:09

The recent dissolution of the government reflects the increasing pressure on Hollande to turn around a dire economic outlook.

Nicolas Sarkozy appears on television to protest his innocence. Photo: Getty
Nicolas Sarkozy may recover from his latest scandal, but the political class will not be so lucky
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 03 July 16:42

Whatever the outcome of the ongoing corruption investigations, the damage done to trust in public officials will be long-lasting.

Algeria fans supporting their team in Marseilles. Photo: Getty
New attacks on French-Algerian citizens resurrect old, subtle forms of racism
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 02 July 16:56

The World Cup is just the latest political football to be kicked by the Front National’s Marine Le Pen, who suggested that “You are either French or Algerian”.

Marine Le Pen at a press conference after the European election results were announced. Photo: Getty
The Front National’s success in France shows that “protest votes” can no longer be easily dismissed
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 27 May 12:46

The party’s success in the European elections marks the end of its time as a marginal voice in French politics.

Some of the midwives and patients from the fifth series of One Born Every Minute. Photo: Phil Fisk
One Born Every Minute is the opium of the masses
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 22 April 15:25

Like millions of others, I love Channel 4’s maternity documentary. But it is feeding us an overly rosy view of an NHS suffering from staff shortages and cutbacks.

“No blacks or Arabs” for Israeli PM's visit: the latest example of French state-sanctioned discrimination
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 16 April 10:00

Hollande's silence on the alleged discrimination against black and Arab employees is indicative of the president's recent decision to chase popularity by playing to the centre-right.

New Statesman
Trouble for Hollande from the Right and the Left
By Myriam Francois-Cerrah - 11 June 17:57

On yesterday's French legislative elections.