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Welcome to the Routledge Environment and Sustainability - the leading global publisher in the inter-disciplinary field of Environment & Sustainability studies offering a broad array of titles from accessible introductions and supplementary readings to cutting-edge research and reference in areas as diverse as Sustainable Development.

Featured news and products from Routledge Environment & Sustainability


  1. Q&A with Authors of Renewable Energy Resources, Third Edition

    John Twidell and Tony Weir, authors of Renewable Energy Resources, discuss what experiences led them to write this book, their reflections on the state of the field, and what’s new in the third edition. Read the full Q&A here.

  2. Digital Technologies and the Global Environment

    Read our special Earth Day blog post by Stephen Rust and Salma Monani, co-authors of Ecomedia: Key Issues, where he discusses how digital technologies impact the way we communicate about the global environment. 

    With a new entry every fortnight, blog posts written by various Routledge authors will be displayed both on the Routledge website and on our Facebook page. Each post within Facebook will be open to comments so please feel free to voice your thoughts! You can view all of our past blog posts there as well.  

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  1. Strengthening Local Level Seed Access and Availability of Crop Diversity

    Ronnie Vernooy, Pitambar Shrestha and Bhuwon Sthapit, editors of the new book Community Seed Banks, discuss the origins of seed banks as well as their achievements and potential as key rural organizations. 

    With a new entry every fortnight, blog posts written by various Routledge authors will be displayed both on the Routledge website and on our Facebook page. Each post within Facebook will be open to comments so please feel free to voice your thoughts! You can view all of our past blog posts there as well.

  2. Interview with the Authors of “Public Safety and Risk Assessment”

    David J. Ball and Laurence Ball-King, authors of Public Safety and Risk Assessment, discuss their book and the field of Health and Safety.

    With a new entry every fortnight, blog posts written by various Routledge authors will be displayed both on the Routledge website and on our Facebook page. Each post within Facebook will be open to comments so please feel free to voice your thoughts! You can view all of our past blog posts there as well.   

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Research & Reference

  1. Q&A with Andrew Szasz, co-editor of “How the World’s Religions are Responding to Climate Change”

    We interviewed Andrew Szasz, co-editor of How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change, about his book and the Pope's anticipated encyclical on Climate Change.  Read the Q&A today!

    With a new entry every fortnight, blog posts written by various Routledge authors will be displayed both on the Routledge website and on our Facebook page. Each post within Facebook will be open to comments so please feel free to voice your thoughts! You can view all of our past blog posts there as well. 

  2. Interview with Arne Johan Vetlesen, author of ‘Denial of Nature’

    Click here to read a fascinating interview with Arne Johan Vetlesen, author of 'Denial of Nature'. He reveals the reasons why he decided to write this book, what he found surprising when researching the book and explians why this book is a necessity for students studying environment and philosophy.

    (This book is part of the Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism) Series. Click here to go to the series page)

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  1. June Publishing Highlights

    With so many great titles publishing each month it is impossible to give each one the justice it deserves in our monthly eBulletin, so to be sure you don't miss out, you can find them all below.   

  2. May Publishing Highlights

    With so many great titles publishing each month it is impossible to give each one the justice it deserves in our monthly eBulletin, so to be sure you don't miss out, you can find them all below.  

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