Juliet Jacques is a freelance journalist and writer who covers gender, sexuality, literature, film, art and football. Her writing can be found on her blog at and she can be contacted on Twitter @julietjacques.

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Cultural Capital
22 January 2015
Culture clash.
Cultural Capital
25 September 2014
Melancholy of the student.
Juliet Jacques
16 September 2014
All in this together.
Juliet Jacques
06 August 2014
Fighting TERFs on their own turf.
Juliet Jacques
05 August 2014
The breakdown between reader and writer.
Cultural Capital
17 July 2014
The power dynamics of psychoanalysis.
Juliet Jacques
13 May 2014
Rereading the Second Wave.
Cultural Capital
16 April 2014
Race, gender, writing and the media.
Cultural Capital
17 February 2014
A fifteenth-century illustration of the legend of Tristan and Isolde. Image: Hulton Archive/Getty First...
Juliet Jacques
18 January 2014
Surrealism and anti-art.
21 December 2013
Rupturing middle class pieties.
13 December 2013
Progress on their participation is being made – but not quickly enough.
Juliet Jacques
12 November 2013
Are they reading and treating me as male or female?
Juliet Jacques
18 September 2013
The Currency of Paper by Alex Kovacs.
