About the College > College Structure > College Council >

Opportunities to get involved


There are currently 3 number of vacancies on College committees:

1. Fellows to join the Curriculum sub-committee - this is a new sub-committee of the Education Committee.

Terms of reference and a jd are available to download here: ToR Curriculum cttee      JD-Curriculum s-c

Please contact the Director of Education (Mrs Emily Beet) if you wish to discuss this further or send your application which should be in the form of a supporting statement (of no more than 500 words) to Emily Beet, emily.beet@rcem.ac.uk by 17th August 2015.

2. Vice Chair, North East Region 

3. Vice Chair, Wales

Please email Gerardine Beckett at the College for further information: gerardine.beckett@rcem.ac.uk

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine asks Fellows to represent their views on a number of other bodies.

List of representatives and the expectations of the College of those representatives

If Fellows are interested in getting more involved in College matters, they should write to the President indicating their area of interest and time and skills available via rcem@rcem.ac.uk 


Clinical Reviewers required - from NCEPOD

The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death is undertaking a new study to explore the overall quality of mental health and physical health care provided to patients with a significant mental health condition who are admitted to a general hospital.

They are looking for clinicians from emergency medicine to review each case and provide expert opinion on the patient care. Further information about this study including a copy of the study protocol can be found on the webpage: http://www.ncepod.org.uk/pmhc.htm.