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(I) (2013)

Critic Reviews



Based on 34 critic reviews provided by Metacritic.com
About Time is ... about time: It asks us to reflect on how we all use that resource, how the hours and minutes that make up a day or a life align with our intentions and values.
More than just a time-travel rom-com, this is a movie that asks you questions and doesn't sugar-coat as many of the answers as you'd expect. Smart and sweet, funny and genuinely moving. Should probably come with a 'there's something in my eye' warning.
A most romantic way to spend your time at the movies this fall, a “date picture” about do over dates that works, this time around.
Gleeson and McAdams make a touching, lifelike couple, but by the time the movie starts telling us to live each day as if we were going back and doing it all over again, you may feel Curtis has mistaken hokum for wisdom.
Enjoy the love in your life, and don't squander it: That's all Curtis is selling here, really. With Gleeson and McAdams at the forefront, About Time has a beguiling pair of rom-com miracle workers helping him close the sale.
The self-consciousness that made the director's "Love Actually" a love-it-or-hate-it film is dialed way down. About Time is more of a love-it-or-like-it proposition.
For all its glutinous cuteness, damn if About Time doesn't sneak up and sock you in the tear ducts. I tried not to fall for it. I failed.
What results is amusing, gently entertaining and might induce a tear or two.
Curtis ends up making a virtue out of the narrative's episodic quality, a tendency that's been criticized in his previous work; the film, like life, is just one damn thing after another, and that's really the rather lovely point.
That messy sprawl makes for a messy film full of highs and lows, triumphs and regrets... But those willing-or eager-to indulge About Time's schmaltziest moments are rewarded with hits of pure, uncut joy and sorrow.
A surprisingly thoughtful romantic comedy that shirks a great deal of reason and consequence in the name of love.
Curtis pulls off some amusing moments, and he has a secret weapon: Nighy, who is so jolly and funny you wish he'd had more screen time.
Everyone involved is far too talented to mess this up too badly, but it soon becomes clear that Curtis intends to reduce us to quivering sobs mixed with heartfelt gratitude for every blessed day of life.
About Time is itself a film less directed than quilted: it's a feathery old patchwork under which you might snuggle at the end of a tiring week.
There are just enough laugh-out-loud moments here to excuse the lurches into shameless, tear-jerking sentimentality.
Then Bill Nighy shows up and is awesome and punches you in the heart. It ultimately feels like a cheat, and while there won't be a dry eye in the house, it won't be earned.
About Time is like a sermon that starts with a few good jokes and ends with tremulous exhortations to live, live.
Like a doggie in a window, this romcom relentlessly wags its tail so you'll fall in love and take it home. Not this time, puppy.
Curtis's heart is in the right place. In fact, it's all over the place - front and centre and backlighting the whole thing with a benevolent glow. But it is hard not to watch this, read the news that it will probably be his last as a director, and look to the future.
In a word: Ugh.
What makes the calculated sentimentality palatable is Curtis' intelligent assurance as he guides us through each step. It's a gooey indulgence, to be sure, but one that will please anybody with a cinematic sweet tooth.
About Time, inadvertently, reveals itself to be About Men, and how they devise lies in order to create the illusion that all women supposedly want to see.

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