
Christopher Rosen

Video of Vin Diesel break-dancing has resurfaced, so of course we're going to watch it again

Video of Vin Diesel break-dancing has been on the internet for actual years – the version below was posted to YouTube on June 14, 2006 – but because nothing ever dies online, break-dancing Vin resurfaced this week. Think of it as a pre-#tbt or just an excuse to watch Hollywood’s best Facebook user dance like a boss.

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John Green wants people to stop attacking him over Looking for Alaska casting

Back in February, Paramount hired The Fault in Our Stars screenwriters Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber to adapt John Green’s Looking for Alaska. Green was thrilled – “VERY VERY GOOD NEWS,” he wrote on Twitter – but he doesn’t have much else to add at the moment. Not that people aren’t pressuring him for some news.

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Die Hard With A Vengeance is 20 years old, so let's solve that math problem again

Yippee ki-yay, Die Hard With A Vengeance was released 20 years ago, on May 19, 1995. The best Die Hard sequel – and maybe the best Die Hard? – brought Detective John McClane to New York for the first time, added a sidekick in the form of Samuel L. Jackson’s Zeus and made audiences really think about math.

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Kris Jenner just wants Bruce Jenner 'to be happy'

The second part of Keeping Up With the Kardashians: About Bruce aired on Monday night, showing the aftermath of what happened when Bruce Jenner told family members that he was transgender. (Jenner, who has not indicated a preference for female pronouns, came out publicly during an interview with Diane Sawyer in April.)

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Maya Rudolph turned the national anthem into a Beyonce song during Tulane's graduation

Maya Rudolph was the commencement speaker at Tulane University’s graduation on Saturday, and the comic concluded her speech with an unexpected twist: a four-minute rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” that included lyrics from both “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” (Hey, why not?) 

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Rebel Wilson mocks Australian tabloid after age rumors

On Monday, an Australian celebrity magazine posted a story about Rebel Wilson that claimed, among other things, she lied about her age, name and background. “She’s clearly got a vivid imagination,” said an unnamed source to the publication. “Maybe you have to tell stories to make it in Hollywood!”

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Lower East Side Film Festival, with judge Laverne Cox, will kick off with Life in Color

The Lower East Side Film Festival announced Tuesday that Life in Color, Katharine Emmer’s dramedy about two people struggling with depression, life and love in Los Angeles, will open the 5th annual New York fest. Life in Color debuted to strong reviews at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March.

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