Saint John College

As part of the University of New Brunswick Saint John, Saint John College has been welcoming students wishing to improve their English for academic purposes since 1985.

Saint John College offers international students three English-language training options to help them prepare for university study. The English for Academic Purposes (EAP), English-Second-Language Support (ESL), and Pre-MBA Programs attract hundreds of students to UNB Saint John each year.

Saint John College also offers summer and specialty/customized language training programs.  In the Fall of 2014, we introduced our IELTS Preparation Course and in the spring/summer of 2015, we'll be offering a Pre-Calculus course for students preparing to enter UNB Saint John in September 2015. 

If you are interested in discussing the creation of a customized language training program, please contact us directly. 

In addition to English-language training, Saint John College offers a range of Professional Development programs designed to advance the careers of individuals looking to sharpen their management and leadership skills.

CAEL     Languages Canada      IELTS