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Our Secret Identity Crisis | Birth.Movies.Death.

Our Secret Identity Crisis

Marvel's Civil War , published in 2006 and 2007, was a massive comic book crossover event that pitted The House Of Ideas' greatest icons against each other in a story that explored the mor…


Magic or Mutants?

If you had your choice to live in a world where there was magic, like in Harry Potter's world, or mutant humans, like X-men, which would you pick? And why?

Recent comments (360)

Yin Izanami Yin Izanami 3 days ago
Magic, but no wands.

Вопрос о среднем состоянии человека между двумя силами это магии и мутантах
весьма не состоятелен...Человек, как творение Высшей силы - Бога, наделен
качеством Разума и Свободы для своего полноценного развития на Земле. И , если человек опускается к магии, как сущности противоестественного его предназначения,
он теряет человеческое качество и не может генерировать ценности цивилизованной
культуры...Люди же названные мутантами, произошедшие от скрещивания, не являются человекоподобной сущностью, наделенной Божественными качествами Разума и Свободы для творения мудрой гармонии человеческих отношений...
Человек не может быть среди и между этих двух (магия и мутант) названных категорий, поскольку это в своей практической наклонности ведет человека к самоуничтожению или отчуждению творить Добро к своему ближнему человеку, равно
и как деградации цивилизации культуры народов...
Даже сама постановка данного вопроса вызывает сожаление к его автору, который
не находит более возвышенных категорий человеческого бытия, что может создавать
гарантии гармонии между людьми и между народами Земли..

bobconner bobconner an hour ago

Magic of course. Then you could make all the mutants you wanted.

EuKej EuKej 24 minutes ago

Magic! I love the world that J.K Rowling has created! Getting a letter to Hogwart used to be my biggest dream, when I was a child... or maybe it still is :D

Ask Your Neighbor: Do You Believe In Ghosts?

https://38.media.tumblr.com/92... If you do believe in ghosts, what do you think they are and have you ever had a "ghostly" experience? However, if you don't, do you think the people who sa…

Recent comments (1274)

Dom Dominick Dom Dominick 4 days ago
yeah! but i haven't seen any of them yet and yes, i really want to see them!
Play Doe Play Doe 18 minutes ago

Do you believe in life elsehwere in the universe? Are their alien ghosts?

T⃟O⃟N⃟E⃟L⃟L⃟A⃟ T⃟O⃟N⃟E⃟L⃟L⃟A⃟ 2 hours ago

My grandfather passed away in 2012. And my uncle mike His son passed in desert storm in 1991 before I was born. It's my maternal family and I only have one other uncle and my mother remaining. My grandma used to always blame weird things that's haopen on my uncle mike like when you'd turn the tv off and it would keep turning back on or when things wouldn't work right she'd tell mike to knock it off and then voilà problem solved. Well one day she was praying I guess you could sau to mike as she often did and just asked for a sign that him and my Granapa were together. She was lagjnv jn bed and went to turn on her little desk lamp on her bed to read and. it burnt out. She didn't thjk angling of it until she went downstairs turned on the kitchen light and it also burned out so she went jn the bathroom to go in the closet where we keep our bulbs and one of the bathroom lights burnt out too. Crazy right? Then she said ok Michael I got it! And no more burnt bulbs for a while. Idk coincidence? Maybe. But I belieev that our consciousness or souls or whatever it may be carries on.. One of my favorite quotes from a Stephen Kings the gunslinger is "Go now, there are other worlds than this." We might never know until we experience it ourselves

vanshika somya vanshika somya an hour ago

I don't believe in their existence but thinking about them makes me scared.... whoo...:D

What's your "uniform"?

I have had a lot of jobs in my 31 years, but I've only had to wear an actual uniform to work for four of them: 2 months at The Olive Garden (black slacks, non-slip shoes, white men's dress shirt, the…

Recent comments (270)

Talk Shop
I-RIGHT-I I-RIGHT-I 5 days ago
We all have a uniform don't we? All the time? Mine is blue jeans, button down the front short sleeve sport shirt and whatever shoe or boot that seems right for the day. It's bee…
Talk Shop
Any Bryde Any Bryde an hour ago

I am a colourful person, who mix match fabric and prints. Rarely you will see me in jeans, thus it makes me feel like I am in leg-jail. I love loose clothes, but should probably wear tighter.. Mixing in designers while some of my pieces are cheap ones. I have several styles and personas so putting a label on me is not easy.. But i like, tights, dresses, singlets and shorts. But most of all I LOVE colours!!

Talk Shop
Strnj1 Strnj1 an hour ago

For 43 years, I wore the two color combination (god knows how many color combinations. The last was Black Pants and Grey top with embroidered Hospital Logo...)

I Worked Air conditioning and Maintenance.

I was the guy who did the jobs that everyone else claimed, "wasn't their job."

In doing so, over the years as fewer and fewer were willing to get their hands dirty and at the same time the ones that were no longer had the education required, I found myself in the interesting situation of having white collar folks look down their nose at me because they ASSUMED that I might be paid little more than minimum wage.

I snickered to myself.

I married an RN at age 30 and made more salary and overtime than she did each year till she attained the title of Nurse Manager a few years ago...

So, the real irony was that the very ones looking down their nose, even Admin., didn't understand that I could buy and sell them...

I started investing in my late twenties. and broke my first million about age 50...

Most of the ones I hear complaining, today, could do the same if they started investing (401k ?, anything...) early and left it there to compound until retirement...

Talk Shop
Precious Precious 11 hours ago

This question provoked a long-time-ago memory of elementary school with my girlfriends. We had a "uniform" which consisted of blue jeans and white T-shirt, and always with a bottle of RC Cola in our hands. We thought we were so tough and cool! What a memory! Those were the days...

Game of Thrones: S5.E4 "The Sons of the Harpy" Post-Episode Discussion

THE NIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF SPOILERS. http://recleg.files.wordpress.... Tonight's episode featured an amazing amount of violence, even by GoT standards, and a nearly…
