
IISS publications reflect the authoritative analysis of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.

New Publication

Armed Conflict Survey

The Armed Conflict Survey includes maps, infographics and multi-year data, as well as the highly regarded IISS Chart of Conflict, a comprehensive reference on conflict, peace-support operations and transnational terrorist attacks. This 2015 chart focuses on conflict-related displacement with graphs, tables and timelines.

The Chart of Conflict

This map of global hot spots focuses on conflict-related displacement worldwide with timelines, graphs and tables.

Strategic Comments

The Institute’s online source of analysis of international security and politico-military issues. Harnessing the considerable expertise of the Institute’s research staff and members, as well as the broader strategic studies community.

The Adelphi Series

This authoritative series of books on issues of international security is the Institute's principal contribution to policy-relevant, original academic research.

the military balance

The Military Balance 2015

The annual assessment of the military capabilities and defence economics of over 171 countries. It is an indispensable handbook for anyone conducting serious studies of security policy and military affairs.

Survival: Global Politics and Strategy

A leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs.

Strategic Survey

The Annual Review of World Affairs

Strategic Survey covers all the events and themes of the year region by region, and includes special essays on important policy issues.

IISS Newsletter

The quarterly newsletter allows IISS members to keep abreast of the full spectrum of the Institute's activities, conferences and meetings.

Conference Proceedings

The IISS convenes international conferences and summits in all parts of the globe, and manages and runs many international events.

Monitoring Conflicts Worldwide

Armed Conflict Database

A regularly updated IISS online resource providing detailed information on more than 70 conflicts worldwide.

strategic dossiers

Strategic Dossiers

Harnessing the Institute's technical expertise to present detailed information on the key strategic issues.