• Students approved for Test/Exam Accommodations:  On-line Request Forms must be submitted in order to book appointments at the Centre to write tests/quizzes/mid-terms  and/or  Intersession/Summer Session Final Exams .  Use the 'REQUEST TEST/EXAM' Hot Button found on the home page.  
  • It is no longer necessary to submit the on-line request form to schedule your Fall or Winter term final exams.  Forms are still required  to schedule quizzes/tests/mid-terms.
  • Students who received a grant for tutoring for the 2015-16 academic year are required to submit receipts and/or unused funds to the appropriate office in their home province.  Contact your Accommodation Advisor for assistance.

Services & Support

The Student Accessibility Centre provides access to a variety of on-campus services and support to UNB Students with documented visible and invisible disabilities. 

Please note: The Centre supports students enrolled in on-line courses with the review of medical documentation, the approval of appropriate accommodations, notification to instructors of the approved accommodations, and assistance with grant funding applications. 

The following services are provided on campus for UNB students. 

  • Guidance, support, advocacy and advice from staff
  • Arrangements for instructional, classroom, and test/examination accommodations
  • Assistance with Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities applications (for qualifying students)
  • Transition and mentoring support 
  • Referrals to on-campus or community-based services such as counselling, psychological assessment services, writing/study skills, financial aid or health services
  • Collaboration and consultation with faculty, staff, and students about disability-related issues
  • Access to assistive technology software and equipment

The Student Accessibility Centre (SAC) does not provide the following services or resources:

  • Academic advising
  • Proofreading of assignments
  • Learning strategist services
  • Psychological or medical assessments
  • General Student Loan and financial advising
  • Exam accommodation for students without documented disability or accessibility needs
  • Exam accommodation for English Second Language students

Appointment to Register

Registration closes approximately 1 week prior to the end of classes each term.  See important dates.  New students are encouraged to register early, and before the start of the term. The centre is open year round,including May – August.

Contact SAC during regular business hours to set up an appointment time by calling 1-506-453-3515 or e-mailing

Documentation Requirements

In order to register, you must provide one of the following documents when you register:

  1. UNBF Student Accessibility Medical/Health Form  The original form can be mailed or hand delivered to SAC.  SAC will also accept a faxed or scanned copy only if sent directly from the office of the health professional who completes the form.
  2. A letter (on letterhead) from a licensed health professional which states the student’s diagnosis, impact of the disability on the student’s daily living and academics, and recommended accommodations and supports.
  3. A psychological or psycho-educational assessment report completed in the last 5 years by a licensed psychologist.

Ongoing Communication, Follow-up with Registered Students

Returning students are asked to contact the Student Accessibility Centre at the beginning of each academic term to discuss their needs for the upcoming school year.

Accessibility on Campus

UNB is committed to providing accessible spaces and services on campus.  Improvements to campus accessibility are made on a priority basis and in consultation with stakeholders. To identify accessible parking, accessible entrances, and accessible washrooms on campus please visit the campus map.