Promoting Oscar-nominated Django Unchained, which had its premiere in London last night, Quentin Tarantino refused to repeat his position on violence in movies during an interview with Channel 4 Evening News host Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Asked about the link between movie violence and real violence, Tarantino responds in the video below: “Don’t ask me a question like that – I’m not biting.” When asked why, he says, “Because I refuse your question. I’m not your slave and you’re not my master. You can’t make me dance to your tune. I’m not a monkey.” Saying he was doing the interview as “a commercial for the movie,” Tarantino elaborates, “I don’t want to talk about the implications of violence… The reason I don’t want to talk about it: cause I’ve said everything I have to say about it. If anyone cares what I have to say about it, they can Google me and they can look for 20 years what I have to say. But I haven’t changed my opinion one iota.” Guru-Murthy later presses, “But you haven’t said why you think there’s no relationship”, to which Tarantino exclaims, “It’s none of your damn business what I think about that!… And I’m shutting you down.” The exchange in question begins at about the 4:30 mark: