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Keeping You Safe

Welcome to SaferCar.gov, where you can identify and report problems you might be having with your vehicle, tires, equipment or car seats. If you think you have a problem, we want you to tell us about it. We are the Office of Defects Investigation, or ODI. We are a part of the U.S. DOT's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the nation's only agency authorized to conduct defect investigations and administer safety recalls on everything from vehicles and equipment to tires and child safety seats. Our engineers and investigators look into problems you report to help ensure you and others stay safe on our nation's roads and highways.

image for Safety Complaints

Vehicle Complaint


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Child Seat, Equipment or Tire Complaint


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File a Complaint for Child Seats, Tires, Equipment, Vehicles
Monday-Friday (8 am to 8 pm ET)
(888) 327-4236 TTY: (800) 424-9153

Why your complaint is important

Your complaint information will be entered into NHTSA-ODI's vehicle owner's complaint database and used with other complaints to determine if a safety-related defect trend exists. More...

How Your complaint is Handled

  • We protect your privacy. We do not share your personal information with the general public. Your complaint will be added to a public NHTSA database only after we remove all information from complaint fields that identify you personally. More...
The Privacy Act of 1974 - Public Law 93-579, As Amended: This information is requested pursuant to the authority vested in the National Highway Traffic Safety Act and subsequent amendments. You are under no obligation to respond to this questionnaire. Your response maybe used to assist the NHTSA in determining whether a manufacturer should take appropriate action to correct a safety defect. If the NHTSA proceeds with administration enforcement or litigation against a manufacturer, your response, or statistical summary thereof, may be used in support of the agency's action.