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8 small changes that will make a big difference to your diet

These diet tweaks are quick and easy but they deliver big results

8 small changes that will make a big difference to your diet

Add chia seeds to cereal

Adding a tablespoon of chia seeds to your breakfast cereal will increase your daily fibre intake and in turn help lower your cholesterol levels and help keep you more regular. They also add extra protein and beneficial omega-3 fats to your breakie. 

>>Is cereal really good for you?

Have oily fish three times a week

Swap red meat for some oily fish a couple of nights a week. Fish like salmon, trout, and mackerel are packed with healthy omega-3 fats, which help dampen inflammation in the body and boost your memory. Eating too much red meat can have the opposite effect, it can promote inflammation. Aim to have some oily fish around three times a week. 

>>How much meat should we eat?

Snack on protein-rich foods

Instead of your mid-morning muffin break go for something healthy that is high in protein like a trail mix (raw nuts, seeds and dried fruit), protein ball, low-fat cottage cheese on a rice cake, or hummus and veggie sticks. Snacking on protein-rich foods in-between meals is the best way to curb sugar cravings, and keep you satisfied until your next meal. Your waist-line will love you for it too. 

>>Is protein the key to weight loss?

Avoid mayo

Hold the mayo. Did you know that 1 tablespoon of full-fat mayonnaise contains more fat than a mars bar? So next time you buy a sandwich go for wholegrain mustard instead. 

>>How wholegrains can reduce body fat

Change your coffee order

How you take your coffee can have a major effect on the number of calories you consume each day. If you are a latte drinker and like it large with full-fat milk, each cup is giving you around 340 calories and 18 g of fat, nearly a third of the daily recommended fat intake for women. A large cappuccino contains 207 calories with 10.7 g fat. The best way to lower your coffee calories is by ordering a small coffee, switch to skim milk, avoid adding flavoured syrups, and use a natural sweetener like xylitol or stevia instead of sugar. Or even better ditch the coffee and switch to a herbal tea like green. 

>>Is herbal tea the key to better health?

Water down your fruit juice

Fruit juice is very high in natural sugars called fructose, which can contribute to unbalanced blood sugar levels and weight gain. So if you love juice try pouring just a quarter of a glass of juice and then fill the rest with water. You will soon get used to the flavour and you will be reducing your sugars and upping your water intake. Fresh juice is always best, but if you buy bottled make sure it contains no added sugars. 

>>What's the deal with coldpressed juice?

Get pickling!

Did you know that adding just a small serving of pickled veggies to meals is a fantastic way to support your gut and immune health, by promoting the growth of your friendly intestinal bacteria.

>>Strengthen your immune system naturally 

Don't skip breakfast

By simply making sure you have something healthy for breakfast each morning like muesli and yoghurt, fruit porridge, eggs on toast, or a smoothie you will help prevent those common mid-morning energy slumps and cravings for coffee and sweets. Breakfast also provides you with a good proportion of your daily nutrients and helps set you up for a day of healthier eating.

>>25 reasons you can't lose weight

>>How healthy is sushi?

>>6 big health questions to ask

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