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Pregnancy and baby

Your pregnancy and baby guide

Welcome to the pregnancy and baby guide

Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal to be this tired? Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here.

There are more than 200 easy-to-read pages, detailed week-by-week guides and lots of expert videos, parents' tips and interactive tools to explore.

Before you start, why not:

Want to know if you're really pregnant?

Got any of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Read our guide on finding out if you're pregnant.

Find out about pregnancy tests, or your next steps if you've had a positive pregnancy test.

Find out more about getting help if you're not getting pregnant.

Popular subjects and pages 

Explore the Pregnancy and baby guide to find all the topics you're interested in and more, including:

Eating, drinking and keeping well in pregnancy

Antenatal care and the baby's development

Vaccinations in pregnancy

Why it's recommended that women have the flu vaccine in pregnancy and whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy.

Labour and birth

Find out all you need to know about labour and birth, including where you can have your baby, for example in a hospital, a midwife-led unit or at home, and what pain relief is available, such as gas and air (entonox) and epidural. 

Your new baby

When your baby arrives, you can find advice on all the essentials of baby care, including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, changing nappies, and washing your baby. Plus:

Feeding, teething and tantrums

Want to share your pregnancy and baby experiences?

You can discuss any pregnancy and baby issues on the HealthUnlocked NCT forum.

Page last reviewed: 17/04/2014

Next review due: 17/04/2016


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The 35 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Kirsty1stTime said on 01 December 2014

I have read that sleeping on your back after 16 weeks can be dangerous to your baby due to restricting Oxygen but have also read that you feel fain and dizzy long before the baby is affected. I am 17 weeks pregnant and flip from my sides to my back. I find this the best way to sleep. I don't feel dizzy. Am i harming my baby?

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kbenz said on 29 November 2014

Hi I just joined this site in need for some advice, my husband and I have been trying for a baby since August. This month I recently had spotting with some blood clots for about 3 days a week before my actual period. I have taken two pregnancy tests after the spotting which were both negative. I should be having my actual period now but still haven't. I have been extremely tired lately, feeling bloated, and constantly hungry. Is there a possibility the test is wrong, and I can still be pregnant I need some help advice,
Thanks ,

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Mrs B 2014 said on 10 October 2014

Hi advice needed please, just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant keep having cramping pains is this normal?? This is my second pregnacy my son is now 5 so been a long time!! Xx thank you xx

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amanda1988 said on 08 August 2014

Hi. Im 10 weeks pregnant I went to see the doctor two weeks ago as I haven't long found out im pregnant, I gave all my details in for the midwife to contact me but no phone call yet, I really want to know when my scan is. How long do I have to wait for the midwife to ring me does anyone think I should ring my doctors to chase it up. Its my first baby


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phoeberosegraystone said on 10 July 2014

Hello, I have become pregnant for the first time so I am worried about everything!. I have had really bad sickness, and I am probably vomiting 6-9 times a day. I have been to my doctor and he has prescribed me CYCLIZINE, Which is to help with the sickness. I have read through the leaflet and I have seen it says Do not take if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant but it does say the doctor will prescribe if if its necessary. Has anyone else been given them and if so are they taking them?. Thanks.

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SupuuCris said on 21 June 2014

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and attended my first hospital visit yesterday. It's a shame our NHS staff do not practice the same excitement as shared on this website. I have enjoyed reading up on all the info on here and found it much more useful then talking to a nurse who quite frankly could not be bothered, not even to congratulate me at the beginning of the consultation given it's my first pregnancy. I went in on such a high and came out feeling rather deflated.
The staff really need some training on service and being much more professional. A first pregnancy happens only once, they should make mums to be as comfortable and excited about what they are about to experience instead of it looking like a chore! Very disappointed.

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celticflower said on 18 June 2014

Hi im new on the site but wanted some advice. I started my period on the 10 / 6 / 14 my cycle is normally 24/25days.and it lasts 4/5days. But this time it came for only 3days ot was normal medium to light but now on the 18 / 6 / 14 im starting to get tummy cramps could i be pregnant please help x

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HEM1988 said on 10 June 2014

Need help, I had sex with my then partner 9th feb day before my period, we split and i found out he was already seeing someone so i slept with someone on 22nd feb, two weeks later i found out i was preg, now i didnt think there was a chance of it being my ex's as it was before my period, so when i went for my dating scan i assumed they were gonna say i was around 10weeks when i slept with the other lad, but they didnt they dated my pregnancy 7th feb, im too worried to talk to my midwife about this just in case she thinks i normally sleep around which i dont, i was just down in the dumps, either way im keeping the baby but i dont want the other person thinking it is his and i find out it aint, im so confused, please help

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Babygirlcoming said on 31 March 2014

I had sex within the last two weeks of oct with guy A and then had sex with guy b up till my period on the 7 of nov. And on the day of my period but it was an irregular period. When I took a pregnancy test on dec it said I was 4-5 weeks pregnant putting me conceiving the day my period started. Who's baby is it?

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lyd7 said on 26 March 2014

Hi, these last couple off days i have been taking home pregnancy test and they have come back faded positive but also i have just come on my period. Is this normal?

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User132677 said on 12 March 2014

Me and my partner are trying for another baby I feel like im pregnant have had lots of early symptoms but keep getting negative tests it says to wait a week which I keep doing but its still negative im not sure what to do any ideas

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T_DL said on 12 March 2014

Hi I need help of advice.

Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 26th Feb. I am currently on my period since yesterday 11th march. my period seems to be very light and if any hardly any blood. before yesterday since the day we had sex I have been craving more food than ever and has been every and anything every minute.

when best is to take a home pregnancy test ?
How many days after my period ? is there a chance I could get preg ?

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Bigpurple1 said on 09 March 2014

There are lots of private help and advice groups where you can meet mums who are in the same situation. They are great for advice as you can post questions anonymously too. I like them because if your having a problem its never embarrassing to ask as they are very good communities. Its great to have an advice group at your finger tips.
I have even met with a few mums and have made some really good friends in my area. A good one is Yummy Mummies & Tots

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laurenandlouis6 said on 28 February 2014

hello iam 36 weeks pregnant and had brown discharge and nothing since also ive been getting Braxton hicks for the last month but since having this brown discharge they been getting stronger and constant today I felt like I was going to pass out on the bus and at shopping and when eating its really worrying me and don't know if this is normal in late pregnancy and last week my midwife told me babys head is 3/5ths engaged could I be in early labour I would appreciate if anyone has had the same message me thanks :/

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Effy123 said on 12 February 2014

Hi, I'm only 6 weeks pregnant but the last few days I've been getting sharp shooting pains in the left side of my hip and left leg, the pain shoots down to my knee. I have never had anything like this before and can only assume it's pregnancy related. Any idea on what it is? Should I call my midwife??

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maggie1982 said on 03 February 2014

I'm 12 weeks praegnant(my first baby). I want to see a midwife for first time, but still I can't. First time I was 3rd of January,but it was only 5 minutes with gp. Reception make an appointment for 30th of January. Then canceled it. Next appointment: 3rd of February. Midwife said the reception bookod it only for 15 min and it should be 1 hour. My next appointment will be 20th ofFebruary. It will be 15 weeks! Is that ok? What about scan? What about blood or urine checks? I don't know what to do. The staff are not friendly and helpfull

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Lizbee1982 said on 25 September 2013

Wonder if some one can help. I had my implant taken out in the 21st July 2013 and I had a 2 day period on the 23rd of August and now it's September I came on on the 20th and it was again a very light 2 day period and now I feel sick and tired. Is it just my body getting back to normal xxx

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pinksky29 said on 29 August 2013

I am 29 years old last period was August 9th I had unprecedented sex August 17-18 also 23-24-25 what are my changes of being pregnant and what do I do my period is so post to come in 7 days what do y'all think please give me input? You will be hearing more from me comment please

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xthao said on 21 August 2013

Thanks for Your pregnancy and baby guide
I also want to share my experience with u all, if you are reading this you are like me having millions of questions asking myself and looking on internet. I am writing this so it might answer few questions may help you too. I am 24 years old. Me and my husband trying for baby for last 2 years? I had many tests like blood test to check if there is any hormones imbalance and ultra sound to find my ovaries are in right condition (PCOS) . And all these tests are positive.

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chick2808 said on 31 July 2013

please help me and fiance have been trying for a baby for a year now and had no luck the past 2 weeks i have been getting up feeling sick which continues all day i have pains in my right side of stomach and really tired iam also really bloated could i be pregnant? i dont wanna take a test yet incase its far to early.

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rachaelamy said on 24 July 2013


I am currently trying for a baby with my boyfriend of three years. We have been trying since 14/07 and i think i may be pregnant already, i don't want to use a pregnancy test yet as i only finished my period on the 08/07, is it possible i could be pregnant?

Every morning i wake up feeling sick, have bad back pains, stomach feels almost bloated and i keep having white/yellowy discharge and a fair bit of it, i read on here that that is a sign as long as its not sore or itchy which it isn't.

Should i take a test or would it not be possible that i am pregnant already?

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Kikidee123 said on 30 June 2013

Hi everyone, I'm now 30 weeks pregnant! Me and my husband decided to start trying for a baby in jan this year as soon as I missed my jan period I took a test which told me it was negative! Later on I emptied the toilet bin only for the test to fall out onto the floor I picked it up and just looked at it quick before throwing it in the bin but I was sure it said positive so I fished it out of the bin and I was right it did say positive so in the morning (first pee is best) I took a test again and it was positive! I booked in with my doctor and said I was unsure how many weeks I was but def 1-3 weeks then when I was a few more weeks I went for an early scan as I was having a lot of pain only to be told I wasn't 5-6 weeks I was 13 weeks so I had a period at the beginning of the pregnancy! She told me everyone experiences the first trimester differently some have no symptoms others know straight away! I'm anaemic so I thought it was just that first of all! I would advise you all who think they might be pregnant not to ignore your symptoms just wait a few days and do a test first thing in the morning!

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User776180 said on 27 May 2013

Hello, im 15 years old and just turning 16 something happened thursday last week, I am late in my period! Been pee'ing alot even tho ive not drunk alot, im having cramps in my tummy and I feel like my bladder area uterus has swollen a bit I need to wait another week before taking a test but anyone got any advise? I read some people can get symptoms within a few days I feel tired and just feel different..

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confussdc said on 15 May 2013

hi, i had the first day of my last period on the 14.4.13. i have taken a pregnancy test and went to the doctors for advice but they said i can't see the midwife until I'm 9 Weeks and told me to go to the reception to book. They didn't tell me how many Weeks pregnant i was so i wasn't sure when to book? also they didn't order any advice and tell me what to eat/not eat. Is this normal? do you not get any info until 9 weeks? is it 9 weeks from your last period? I was left feelingvery confused do think I've booked the appointment for later than 9 weeks. can anyonehelp ?

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swa69 said on 09 May 2013

hi im a 16 year old girl that is 5days late. i have had all the symptoms but have taken 3 pregnancy tests and all negative me and my boyfriend are scared please help

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Jeba Akthar said on 25 April 2013

H there I am 18 and I have been trying for a baby with my husband for over a 2 months now. I was last on my period on the 3rd of march and was due to be back on my period on the 3 - 4th of April but it has been over 20 days and still.no sign of a period. So here I am thinking I must be pregnant but I have done 2 self pregnancy test at home and both of thrm came out negative. So because I was thinking I have done it wrong I went to the barking sexual health centre to get myself a pregnancy test done once again and then once again I am negative. Then just today morning I did another self pregnancy test and the same thing showing I am negative. is there something wrong with my body because no sign of a period and all the tests I do show negative. I think all thr time what have I done wrong... Please if someone can give me an advice plz do so as im worried too much and is making me depressed

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24wirraljm said on 14 April 2013

I'm 2days late, but have had two negative pregnancy tests.
My boobs are swollen and very sore. Nipples are really sensitive. I have experienced period like symptoms but no bleeding. I'm tired all the time and very moody.
I feel like I could be pregnant although I have never been pregnant before so couldn't be sure. Any ideas? I know I should just wait it out for either a positive test or my period but I am in agony with my boobs a lot more than normal!!!!

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Sara2510 said on 26 March 2013

Hi I found out I was pregnant on 02/02 /13 so I got a bit worried because just befor Xmas me and my boyfriend split for a bit and on the 16/12/12 I had un protected sex 1 night with someone else I am worried its not my boyfriend s baby . On the 14/02/13 I had a scan and the date said I was 6weeks 5day and on the 23/03/13 I had another scan and the dates said i was 12 weeks 5 days can u advise me on if it could the over persons baby ...

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Gemmanmaliya said on 05 March 2013

Hi I'm 31 and have 3 children so I know what it's like to feel pregnant my problem is I missed last months period and came on for one day this month my breast are large and heavy I'm tired and feel sick all the time but mainly between 5-7 everyday but I've done 2 tests and both say negative I should be happy as I don't want another baby but in my heart I really feel I am what should I do

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Anonymous said on 02 February 2013

Hi I have discovered I am 7 weeks pregnant. For the last three weeks I have been taking herbal water tablets thinking I may have been retaining water. Is it possible I have damaged the fetus or caused any long term damage?

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Reay2010 said on 16 November 2012

@piglet95 - if you have one positive pregnancy test then you are indeed pregnant, you can not get a false positive, you can only get false negatives. The reason you have had different results is because of how early on you have tested . Basically it's around 4weeks when women find out they are pregnant this seems to be the perfect time because you will get a definative answer as its something to do with the amount of hormones or chemicals in your body that determine your pregnant. Any earlier and the tests will be mixed as the chemical/hormone isn't strong enough to detect.

Good luck :)

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hewey said on 14 October 2012

Can anyone help? My sonspartner has cold induced anaphylaxia and is 30 weeks pregnant. If she has to have stitches or a ceasarean this could be fatal as she is unable to receive cold fluids ie blood, epidural.Also the theatre would have to be warm too. The professionals are stumped at the moment and we have contacted allergy centres and anaphylaxia campaign but have no solution to the problem. Does anyone know of someone with this condition who has given birth? So far she is about 1 in 9,000,000 with the condition but we can find no one who has given birth.We would be grateful for any help no matter how small. Thank you.

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pushpa3v said on 27 September 2012

Hi Ladies. I want to share my experience with u all, if you are reading this you are like me having millions of questions asking myself and looking on internet. I am writing this so it might answer few questions may help you too. I am 24 years old. Me and my husband trying for baby for last 2 years? I had many tests like blood test to check if there is any hormones imbalance and ultra sound to find my ovaries are in right condition (PCOS) . And all these tests are positive. My husband also had smear test, he has a normal count too. After all these tests, our doctor suggested us to take Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test. It really works. It cleans your tubes and also there is a chance to unblock the tubes, if there any blocks. After 1 month of this HSG test I am now 5 weeks pregnant. We are very happy now because we are waiting for 2 years for this moment?. These first 5 weeks has been so nervous due to symptoms. I know every pregnancy and symptoms are different, but sharing my experience. I had back pain, white or yellow discharge and period like cramps during early pregnancy. I even have now some shooting pains and doctor said it is common due to expansion of womb. Good luck ladies?.Lots of baby dust to you all.

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DueFebruary said on 20 September 2012

piglet95- I'm also 17 and i'm almost 18 weeks pregnant. If you've had a positive pregnancy test then you are pregnant. I did about 4 or 5 different home pregnancy tests and they all said positive. I went to doctors that night (emergancy doctors) and they told me I definately wasn't 1 doctor and 2 nurses said this. I then bought 2 clear blue tests which give you the weeks and it said I was 2-3 weeks. I then went to my usual GP and they sent a test away which came back positive.

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shondaw2290 said on 15 July 2012

Why i can't download the pregnancy tracker on here?

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