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Men's health 60-plus

Exercise as you get older

Exercise can help older adults stay healthy, energetic and independent well into old age.

Top diets review for 2015

Find a weight loss plan to suit you with our review of the most popular diets.

Know your prostate

Where is the prostate gland and what does it do? Find out whether you're at risk of prostate cancer.

Is your blood pressure too high?

Avoid high blood pressure by making some simple lifestyle changes.

The top 5 causes of premature death

Reduce your risk of early death from one of the 5 big killers: cancer; heart disease; stroke; lung or liver disease.

Ask the sex doctor

Is sex safe after a heart attack? Do over-60s need to worry about STIs? Dr Anne Edwards has the answers.

Lower your cholesterol

Foods you can eat and those you should avoid to help lower your cholesterol.

Eye health tips for older people

How to keep your eyes healthy after the age of 60 with NHS eye tests, prescription lenses and lifestyle changes.

'Social drinking': the hidden risks

'Social drinkers' may be causing just as much harm to their health as binge drinkers and alcoholics.

Foods to avoid if you're over 65

Find out why over-65s are at higher risk of food poisoning and what foods are risky.

Loneliness in older people

How to combat loneliness in later life including making the effort to stay in touch, using computers, and volunteering.

Darcus Howe

Darcus Howe: 'My battle with prostate cancer'

Darcus Howe discusses how prostate cancer is an illness that affects many African-Caribbean men.

Walking for health

A guide to walking to improve your health and fitness, including tips on getting started and making walking fun.

Physical activity guidelines for older adults

Guidelines for older adults aged 65 and over, for general health and fitness.

A guide to tai chi

All you need to know about tai chi, including health benefits, different styles and getting started.

All other articles on Men's health 60-plus


Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

Find out about AAA screening and why it's offered to men aged 65 and over

Your NHS Health Check

Millions of people have already had their free "midlife MOT". Find out why this health check-up is so important

Your browser appears to have Javascript disabled, to view the Weight loss pack information in an accessible format please go to http://nhs.uk/tools/documents/weight_loss_pack/accessibility/text-only.htm

Exercises for older people

Improve your strength, balance and flexibility with these step-by-step guides

Exercise for older people

Online clinic on dementia

Online clinic on dementia

Read specialist doctors' answers to questions on dementia and Alzheimer's disease from our online clinic

Hearing problems

How to protect your hearing, with tips on spotting when you're going deaf, getting tested and hearing aids

Health checks: later years

Once you reach the age of 65 you'll be offered a range of NHS health checks, including some specifically for older people

The class of 1948, Tintagel Primary School

'Our health history'

See how their lifestyle and habits have affected the health of this class of 1948

Drinking and alcohol

Calculate your units, read about the health risks of drinking too much and find out where to get help and support

Health and fitness

Boost your health and fitness with fun and practical ideas to get active and improve your general health

Lose weight

Weight loss resources to help you lose weight healthily, including the NHS 12-week diet and exercise plan
