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sillitoe89 said on 21 July 2014

aph1500 said on 23 March 2013: There are latex free condoms which you can purchase quite easily from anywhere you can get condoms, really. The psychological hill your partner needs to overcome when dealing with condoms is also WAY easier than dealing with raising a child for the next 18 years, dealing with STIs or the very real physical reactions one can have from hormone-altering contraception. I get putting on a condom and pausing the foreplay can be a bit of a mood damper, but only if you two let it be one. Make it part of the foreplay. Communication is also essential--coldly stopping what you're doing and sliding on a condom can be rather clinical. Talk to your partner so you can both work to maintain the erection. Make using condoms sexy, not just a necessary evil when having sex.
