Alumni Annual Giving header.

Click here to make a donation online.  
I am ineligible for many scholarships based on my parents' income, even though they do not pay for my education. By receiving scholarships and bursaries from donors, I have been able to truly enjoy my experience at university by knowing that I am not accumulating a debt that will take me 20 years to pay off- it is a huge stress reliever!     -Rebecca Agnew, a fourth-year nursing student who received the Francis Hugh Scovil Scholarship in Nursing

UNB has always been about access – to higher education, to broader career possibilities, to the world – and your gifts create these gateway opportunities that make a difference in our students’ lives.

Thank you for your support of our alma mater. Over the years the investment you and other alumni have made in UNB through the Opportunities Fund has directly influenced the quality of the education we are able to offer. Gifts from you, for example, help to buy books, assist students in presenting their award-winning papers at conferences, fund campus recreation and provide emergency support to struggling students. All of these make the UNB student experience richer and more memorable – as it should be for such a defining time in their lives.

If you are able to provide a gift, contributions can be made to the Opportunities Fund, scholarships and bursaries, or another project that is meaningful to you. You can make a donation online now for your tax-deductible gift. You can also give by phone at 506-453-5120 or mail. Of course, should you wish to chat about other opportunities, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thanks for your consideration.

Make a gift online.

You can speak to someone directly about Alumni Annual Giving by phone, email or mail: The assistance of donors aided in my education by allowing me to get involved in the school - all the extra- curricular activities and help sessions available to me. Without donor support, I would have had to spend all my time working in a part time job, and not benefitting from all the school has to offer.  -Kristina Murphy graduated in May 2013 with her kinesiology degree, thanks in part to her Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship.

Development & Donor Relations Fredericton & Saint John

UNB Fredericton
Tibbits Hall East, Rm. 148
P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 5A3

Tel: (506) 453-5120

UNB Saint John
100 Tucker Park Road
P.O. Box 5050
Saint John, NB
Canada E2L 4L5

Tel: (506) 648-5989


We wanted to introduce you to a couple of proud UNB students, Brandi and Rob, who have been a part of our Alumni Annual Giving phone campaign team. Here, they share in their own words, what it means to them to be a part of the Alumni Annual Giving campaign.  Please click on the video below to hear their story.

Charitable Registration Numbers:
Canadian No. 10816 2025 RR0001          United States No. 23-710-3810

Important tax note: Please note that for UNB alumni living in the United States, the IRS recognizes your gift to our University as tax deductible.